If the debut trailer for David Ayer’s Suicide Squad was criticized for being a confused melange of quick shots capped off with our first bona fide look at Jared Leto’s Joker, then the second sizzle reel for the film ought to offer a more comprehensive look at what’s in store for August.
Heroic Hollywood claims to have unearthed a play-by-play breakdown of the imminent new trailer for Ayer’s villain-centric opus, and it’s one that delves headfirst into spoiler territory without batting an eyelid. With that in mind, if you want to refrain from knowing anything more about the story going into Suicide Squad, we’d advise against continuing past the jump.
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If sources close to HH are to be believed, Warner Bros. is gearing up to debut the brand new snippet around the coveted Super Bowl window (February 7), meaning that it’s still a ways away. Even still, for those who like to get the jump ahead of time, today’s yet-to-be-confirmed report offers new information aplenty.
Opening to the inimitable “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, Heroic Hollywood claims that Suicide Squad‘s second full-length trailer takes cues from the Comic-Con reel, showcasing more of Belle Reve Penitentiary and its deranged inmates, whether it’s Harley Quinn drinking tea in fuzzy pink slippers or Diablo doing push-ups in his cell.
From there, it jumps to a shot of Amanda Waller proposing the Task Force X protocol at dinner much like the scene glimpsed in the Comic-Con teaser, followed by a staged breakout by Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) that also involves Deadshot (Will Smith) and Diablo (Jay Hernandez). Cue a quick cut to Rick Flag going through Deadshot’s file, with a dressed down Enchantress (Cara Delevingne) in tow, as they go through the leading members of Suicide Squad and their idiosyncratic abilities.
Flagg then pitches the deal of executing dangerous black ops missions to Task Force X, which is quickly followed by a hero shot of Deadshot, Katana, Diablo, Captain Boomerang, Rick Flagg, and Harley Quinn stalking the streets. Later in the description, there’s also mention of the skeleton group – along with the help of Killer Croc – battling the monsters that Enchantress has conjured, with Deadshot living up to his title and mowing down waves of enemies.
As “Bohemian Rhapsody” begins to reach its famous crescendo, there’s a bevy of fast cuts introducing the Joker, a battle on the streets, Enchantress on the hunt for a Macguffin, and Leto’s Clown Prince of Crime diving into some form of chemical tank to retrieve Harley. All of this culminates with Rick Flagg surveying the behaviour of the film’s ragtag group, to which Harley Quinn replies: ‘We’re bad guys. It’s what we do.”
Suicide Squad opens in theaters on August 6, 2016.
Published: Dec 28, 2015 6:06 PM UTC