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Every ‘One Piece’ Worst Generation pirate, ranked by strength

In a world filled with powerhouses, who's the strongest?

The Worst Generation Episode 589
Image Via Crunchyroll

The Worst Generation, composed of 12 members in total, got its name and reputation back at the beginning of the Summit War of Mariford. Referring to the new age of pirates who exceed the 100 Million Berries bounty, this generation includes pirates from all four seas, and with vastly different beginnings in the world of piracy. 

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Most of the requirements needed to become a name in this list lie in their bounty, however, it is safe to say that each of the pirates in The Worst Generation has made a name for themselves from their first appearance. From Ex-Warlords to Emperors of the Sea, this new age of pirates certainly made a dent in the future of piracy in the Grand Line. But who is the strongest pirate in the worst generation? In order to answer this, we’ve compiled a list of all of the pirates in this new age and ranked them by strength. Using the very little information Oda has given his audience, here is what is known so far about the power scales in this group of pirates. 

12. Jewelry Bonney

By the time she makes her first appearance, Bonney’s bounty amounts to 140 million berries, with no official changes to the bounty having been made yet. From the short moments that we’ve seen of the South Blue pirate and her large appetite, it’s become clear that this petite woman has actually proven to have quite the physical strength and agility. 

From her first encounter with Zoro, Bonney manages to tackle the co-commander of the Straw Hats and injure Blackbeard upon her crew’s capture. The captain of the Bonney Pirates also has a devil fruit power that allows her to swift her appearance and age at will, making her a huge threat due to her mastery in stealth and infiltration. All of this entails that although her exact strength has yet to be disclosed, it is obvious that Bonney is completely deserving of her title as a Worst Generation pirate. 

11. Capone Bege

The mafia-don turned pirate Capone Bege has had quite the feature in One Piece. From being the second antagonist in the Zou arc to becoming an ally of the Straw Hats, Bege has shown every side of his power, as a friend and a foe. With a current bounty of 350 million berries, Bege is the captain of the Fire Tanks Pirates and a devil fruit eater. Holding the power of the Castle-Castle Fruit, Bege can actually become a living fortress and shelter not only his allies but several weapons within himself. 

This refined gentleman from the South Blue has proven to be quite the opponent to fight against. Not only is his devil fruit incredibly powerful as a defensive mechanism, but Bege is also a fearless and cunning man, with incredible strategic abilities. Due to his prowess in battle, Bege manages to courageously join the Straw Hats in the fight against Big Mom, an Emperor of the Sea, and win. Although quite low on the list, Bege is still a force to be reckoned with, and a formidable foe for any of the other members of this new generation of pirates. 

10. Scratchmen Apoo

With a bounty rivaling that of Bege’s, Scratchmen Apoo has the exact same price on his head as our previous entry. Selfish and calculating, Apoo has shown to have a few tricks up his sleeve. The supporting antagonist in the Wano arc holds the power of the Tone-Tone Fruit, using music as his weapon of choice, and completely obliterating nearly everyone coming his way. 

With a body that shifts into musical instruments, Bege’s power is basically limitless. Nearly impossible to escape due to the speed of sound, Apoo’s devil fruit makes him an absolute nightmare to fight against. Although as a fighter Apoo hasn’t appeared to be extremely skilled, he completely mastered his own techniques, making himself known all across the Blue Sea. 

9. Basil Hawkins


Known as the ‘Magician’ of the North Blue, Basil Hawkins earned his title as one of the Worst Generation right before his breakthrough as one of Kaido’s allies. With a bounty of 320 million berries, Hawkin’s expertise comes from the mixed use of his devil fruit powers, alongside his intellect, strategic plans… and Tarot. The Straw-Straw fruit allows Hawkins to manipulate straw, creating a body armor, or even a straw voodoo doll that he uses to transfer his wounds onto and inflict damage on his opponents instead. 

Other than his extremely powerful use of his devil fruit, Hawkins is a calm, collected noble who thinks every situation through. By using fortune telling and Teratology, Hawkins can also foresee the future determining the likelihood of his success. The captain of the Hawkins Pirates also holds a high-ranking spot in the Beast Pirates, led by the Emperor of the Sea, Kaido. All of this added up leads to an extremely powerful pirate, deserving of the ninth spot on the list.

8. X Drake

There is quite a lot to be said about X Drake, but one thing is for certain, everything is not what it seems. Behind his 222 million bounty is the captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD. This undercover pirate, leading the Drake Pirates, is also a subordinate of the Beasts Pirates. With the Dragon-Dragon fruit, X Drake can also turn himself into an Allosaurus and gain the strength of this extremely powerful creature. 

At some point, after entering the new world, Drake attacked one of Kaido’s favorite Islands, becoming even more infamous after the feat against the former Emperor of the Sea. Drake has also proven to be an extremely powerful combatant by injuring a Pacifista all by himself, stopping a fight between two Supernovas with just one move, and defeating the artificial giant, Juki. 

7. Killer

The right arm of captain Eustass Kid has also earned quite the reputation in the New World. Currently sitting with a bounty of 200 million berries on his head, Killer is the perfect example that bounties don’t always equal strength. 

Alongside Zoro, Killer is the second non-captain in the Worst Generation, clearly meaning that he is by no means an ordinary fighter. Fighting head to head against Zoro, Urouge, and Hawkins, Killer has proven his strength, agility and speed are sufficient enough to make him a formidable foe. Now alongside his captain in the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance, Killer will be able to improve even more without being at the hands of the merciless ex-shogun of Wano, Orochi. 

6. Urouge

Although not much is known about Urouge, this man of faith has undergone quite the hardships and battles to confirm his power. With a small bounty of 108 million berries, Urouge hasn’t been one to shy away from fights with people whose bounties are far larger than his. His monumental height and size, alongside his calm demeanor, have helped him in battle always with a smile on his face. 

Although off-screen, Urouge is one of the only people to have been able to defeat a commander of Big Mom. Charlotte Snack, with a bounty of 600 million berries. Later on, he was defeated by Charlotte Cracker, another commander, however, he was strong enough to survive and retreat. His position on the list is especially justified by his altercation with the Big Mom commanders, who are undeniably one of the strongest opponents faced by the Straw Hats. 

5. Roronoa Zoro

With a bounty of 320 million berries, the right hand of captain Luffy has been progressively becoming stronger, using pure strength, swordsmanship, and Haki alone. Infamous from the start for being a pirate bounty hunter, Zoro’s name has been heard all across the Blue Sea. 

The master of the Three Sword Style has demonstrated his raw strength from his first appearance, only becoming increasingly stronger as time went by. His most recent battle includes the two Emperors of the Sea, Kaido and Big Mom, stopping their attack and wounding Kaido along the way. In the manga (spoilers ahead!) Zoro has fought against and defeated King, Kaido’s right hand. As of now, Zoro’s new bounty hasn’t yet been disclosed, but it is very likely that he’ll become one of the pirates with the highest bounties in the Worst Generation. 

4. Eustass Kid

The captain of the Kid Pirates, at the time of his new title as a Worst Generation Pirate, held a bounty of 315 million berries. However, after his fight against the Beast and Mom Pirates alongside the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance, Kid’s bounty rose to 3 billion berries. 

As a devil fruit eater, Kid’s Magnet-Magnet fruit allows him to manipulate magnetic forces. He is also one of the only people in the story to be able to use all three types of Haki. In the manga, Kid and Law battled against Big Mom, defeating the Emperor of the Sea, a feat that had never occurred since the defeat of the Rock Pirates by Roger and Garp. His bounty, alongside his awakened devil fruit, makes him one of the most dangerous pirates at sea. 

3. Trafalgar Law

Known as the “Surgeon of Death” Trafalgar Law is an ex-Warlord of the Sea. The only survivor of Flevance has the power of the Op-Op Fruit, also known as “the Ultimate Devil Fruit”, one of the strongest fruits in One Piece. One of the many reasons why it is so renowned is because it allows the user to perform miraculous surgeries and even bring one person back to life.

Considering his high intellect, medical knowledge, and devil fruit, it is no wonder why Trafalgar Law is one of the most coveted pirates in the Grand Line. His first alliance with the Straw Hats dates back to Punk Hazard and has continued up until now where the story currently is. His current bounty equals Kid’s, as he is one of the only people in the world to have defeated an Emperor of the Sea. 

2. Monkey D. Luffy

The captain of the Straw Hats became a notorious figure in the piracy world from the moment he set off to sea. Recently a holder of the title of “Emperor of the Sea” after defeating Kaido and setting the Land of Wano free, Luffy’s current bounty equals Law and Kid’s, standing at 3 billion berries. 

Fearless, daring, and strong-willed, Luffy’s strength has had unmatched growth from when he first appeared. He is one of the two people in the world to have been confirmed to not only use all three forms of Haki, but master the advanced application of each type. Luffy is extremely agile, fast, and strong, in addition to also having the power of the Gum-Gum Fruit. Luffy first awakened his fruit in Wano, taking the form of the Sun God Nika, being able to transform his surroundings to rubber at will. Currently, in the manga, Luffy is one of the most powerful pirates to exist.

1. Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard)


Previously a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard defected after murdering one of the Commanders of the crew. As one of the current Emperors of the Sea, and the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Teach already holds quite the title as pirates go. 

Blackbeard is currently the only person to have ever wielded the power of two Devil Fruits. His first acquisition was the Dark-Dark fruit, a fruit capable of controlling darkness and creating a black hole capable of devouring physical matters and attacks into its void. This is an extremely powerful fruit considered to be the epitome of evilness. His second devil fruit is the Tremor-Tremor fruit, which he stole after the death of his former captain, Edward Newgate. This fruit has a fearsome reputation for being able to completely destroy the world, and it is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit of its kind. No one actually knows how Blackbeard is capable of holding the power of two fruits, but truth is, he is most likely nearly undefeatable whilst wielding the power of two incredibly destructible fruits.

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