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The 10 best characters in ‘Heavenly Delusion’

A frog-like girl and a mysterious doctor with mind-swapping abilities are just two of the intriguing characters in the engrossing series.

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Due to its exciting premise and fresh cast, Heavenly Delusion has become a popular anime with a dedicated following. The show is based on a Japanese manga by Masakazu Ishiguro, who wrote and illustrated the series. The story follows protagonists Maru and Kiruko as they encounter both real and imaginary monsters on their journey across a bleak world. 

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The lead character, Maru, is someone with extraordinary power, an optimistic personality, and profound emotional struggles. His personality is the plot’s driving force, making him an individual that audiences can’t help but root for despite his tremendous task and heavy obligation. Other interesting characters in the series include a robotic overload who runs a school inside the city’s massive walls. 

There’s also a mysterious doctor and a hotel owner whose bold actions and personality leave an indelible impression on the audience despite only appearing in a single episode. So let’s take a closer look at the top ten characters who truly stand out and make this series one to remember.

10. Kona

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Kona lives in the fortified utopia known as “heaven,” safe from the apocalyptic horrors surrounding it. Kona is a dashing young man, the object of everyone’s affection. His artistic ability, in addition to his attractive appearance, has contributed to his widespread acclaim. Despite the disturbing subject matter, his drawings are in high demand because they accurately portray the world as he experiences it. 

Kona is a wise and gentle character, in addition to his fame and artistic skill. He brings solace to people around him, exuding a peace that belies the dangers that lurk outside the haven’s walls. The mystical undertones of Kona’s artwork are one of the most intriguing features of his personality. There is a striking similarity between the monsters depicted in his art and those seen in the real world, implying that he possesses some ability to connect with them. 

 9. The Inn Manager

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The Inn Manager is a memorable character despite only appearing in the pilot and the second episode. At first, the Inn Manager, portrayed as an elegant Japanese housewife, seems to epitomize hospitality, endearing herself to the audience with her kind manner and welcoming attitude. Her caring personality and kindness immediately connect her to viewers, making her an instantly likable character. However, the essence of the Inn Manager is more complex than it appears at first glance. 

The story takes a shocking turn, showing the terrible and disturbing truth behind her happy exterior. The tragic end to her son’s life and her unwavering faith that he is still alive somewhere give her a darker, more disturbing side. The revelation about her child leads to an inspirational but sometimes dubious depiction of undivided devotion. The Inn Manager’s dogged insistence on holding on to the hope that her son is alive is a touching portrait of a mother’s love and denial in the face of harsh truth.

8. Tokio

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Tokio, a middle-schooler, lives in the oasis, a utopia amid an apocalyptic society. Her job as the narrator is crucial in helping the audience adjust to the strange setting of “heaven,” even if her character isn’t especially intriguing or unusual. Tokio’s curiosity and lack of self-assurance strike a chord with the audience, creating a personal connection that enriches the watching experience. 

Her persona acts as a conduit for the plot, allowing the audience to experience Heavenly Delusion through a lens that is familiar and engaging to them. As seen through her eyes, the intriguing realm of ‘heaven’ becomes more tangible to the audience. Tokio also has feelings for her friend Kona, the coveted artist living in the same refuge. 

7. Totori

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The hotel owner Totori is a memorable figure in Heavenly Delusion, and her impact on the story and its viewers is profound despite appearing in only one episode. Totori is well-known for her proactive actions, which became popular on social media, proving that she is a bold and confident individual who is not afraid to speak her mind, even if doing so may cause some to frown. 

Her quick wit and no-nonsense attitude give the show a welcome dose of realism. However, although Totori presents an air of confidence, beyond that lies a sensitive and easily hurt personality. She is a fascinating and complex character because of the contrast between her extreme arrogance and inner weakness. In many ways, Totori is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise convoluted and cryptic storyline.

6. Robin

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Although Robin is portrayed as a bit of a rascal, he is also in charge of the orphanage. He runs the city’s betting ring and oversees all the races held there. These aspects of his character and life point to a degree of toughness and cunning, qualities essential for surviving in the realm of Heavenly Delusion. Even if he engages in questionable behavior, Robin is highly personable, responsible, and loyal. The orphans he works with are the most obvious beneficiaries of his magnetism. 

Despite his weaknesses, Robin’s dedication to safeguarding people in his care is evident in the few episodes he has been in so far in the anime. Robin is also seen as a mentor, particularly for Haruki, who inhabits Kiruko’s body after a mysterious accident. Haruki is most interested in finding Robin and the doctor staying with them then. This emphasizes Robin’s role as a mentor in Haruki’s life and implies that Robin has significantly impacted Haruki’s development.

5. Kuku

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Heavenly Delusion features a lively and engaging character in Kuku, who adds humor and energy to the show. Kuku, a young girl who lives in the gated refuge called the “Garden of Eden,” is shown as a boisterous child with a strange trait: she appears to be part frog. She can leap enormous distances and ascend what appear to be perfectly smooth surfaces because of this unique ability. Having frog-like characteristics built into her body gives her a more whimsical and curious personality. 

While impressive, Kuku’s abilities are not the sum of who she is. And she’s shown to have a thing for Kona, the town artist and resident hottie. Like another main character, Tokio, Kuku wants to be noticed by Kona and even competes with Tokio over one of her paintings. This subplot gives viewers a window into Kuku’s desires and emotional terrain, allowing them to grasp her character beyond her physical characteristics better.

4. Doctor Sawatari

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Doctor Sawatari is a mysterious figure who makes a brief appearance in a flashback episode but whose actions have far-reaching repercussions that drive the plot forward. Haruki, who was nearly dead following an accident, woke up in the body of his sister, Kiruko, and the mystery centers on the doctor’s claimed involvement in a mind-transfer technique. This intrigue propels the plot as Haruki, inhabiting Kiruko’s body, searches to locate Dr. Sawatari to question him about what happened. 

Because of this, Dr. Sawatari is always present in the viewer’s mind, even when he isn’t on the show. His power lies in the fact that there is so little known about him. Doctor Sawatari’s role in Heavenly Delusion symbolizes the mysterious and morally gray parts of the world. One of the most intriguing aspects of the show is the mystery surrounding his intentions for taking the actions he did. Although Doctor Sawatari’s motivations remain a mystery, there is no doubt that his acts have had repercussions for the protagonists. 

3. Mina

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Mina stands out from the rest of the ensemble thanks to her unique combination of high technology and emotional depth. The school contained within the massive, fortified walls of the series is mainly run by robots, with Mina serving as the sole entity in charge. Beyond the normal robotic functions, Mina demonstrates a level of consciousness and autonomy that sets her apart. 

We see Mina assisting the students in various ways, from overseeing the routine upkeep of the school that her robot minions perform to providing individualized support, like hiding Tokio from the school’s surveillance cameras so she doesn’t get into trouble. Having Mina in the show serves as a commentary on AI and technology, which is an intriguing topic. She represents a technology that is both helpful and supportive to society. However, there is room for interpretation regarding Mina’s eventual position and alignment because the series also provides indications of possible concealed motives.

2. Kiruko

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Kiruko, as we get to know her, is actually Haruki, her brother, who miraculously regains consciousness in her body following a near-fatal accident. In Kiruko’s body, Haruki is a joyful and carefree person. He is a skilled shot and can easily defend himself against regular folks. His easygoing demeanor is at odds with the gravity of his desire to track down the doctor he holds accountable for the mind swap he suffered. 

Because of the disparity between her personality and her environment, Kiruko/Haruki is a fascinating character. As Haruki’s mind inhabits Kiruko’s body, the line between them blurs, giving the show an existential undercurrent by prompting inquiries into themes of individuality and the soul. The audience is invited to contemplate questions of self-identity, metamorphosis, and the search for truth alongside Haruki as he searches for answers to his history in Kiruko’s body.

1. Maru

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The series’ main character, Maru, is a fascinating character whose adventures are central to the plot. Maru’s life as an orphan drastically changes when he is randomly selected to acquire a particular skill: the capacity to destroy the monsters that plague the series’ universe. The discovery and development of this ability, which Kiruko dubs “Maru-touch,” is vital to Maru’s character arc. The audience grows fond of Maru as he keeps his positive attitude despite the weight of his new powers.

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