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Who is Power in ‘Chainsaw Man,’ and what are her devil powers?

This manga fan-favorite promises great things.

Power from 'Chainsaw Man'
Image via Crunchyroll

Warning: the following article contains spoilers for the Chainsaw Man manga and anime.

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Chainsaw Man‘s second episode premiered yesterday, and it kept the gory fun rolling. As an episode, it served the main purpose of introducing the audience to a couple of new faces. It also touched on a new concept in the series, the Fiends, who are similar to pure Devils, but not quite the same. Among all the introductions, in came Power, Denji’s new devil-hunting companion.

This character is a fan-favorite in the manga and promises to conquer the anime audience in good time. Since Power made her entrance later in the episode, we didn’t get to see much of her, and many were left wanting more. For those curious, here is everything you need to know about Power, but tread carefully—spoilers ahead.

Who is Power?

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Power is a Fiend who currently works under Public Safety in Makima’s experimental squad, Special Division Four. She is rude and overconfident, entering every room like she owns the place and charging into battle like no one is a match for her. Cocky though she may be, her abilities back up those claims.

With an unkempt appearance, Power’s look reflects her laid-back personality. In her Fiend form, this character mostly presents as a human girl, except for the two red horns on her head. Her teeth are razor sharp, capable of biting into any type of flesh, and her eyes are yellow with a red symbol in the middle. When she transforms into her Devil form, Power looks much scarier, becoming a larger entity with four arms, bigger horns, and an open chest cavity.

What devil powers does she have?

Image via Crunchyroll

As a Blood Fiend, Power’s abilities are inherently related to blood. In her debut episode, we see Power generate a huge hammer from her own blood, using it to kill a Devil in an instant. This is due to her blood manipulation ability which allows Power to create any weapon of choice, although she tends to stick to the trusty old blood hammer and spear.

Power is also able to control other people’s blood, stopping the regeneration abilities of opponents or preventing innocents from bleeding out to death. By making a contract with someone, this Fiend can transfer her energy and blood to that person, helping them heal. Speaking of healing abilities, like any other Devil and Fiend, consuming blood helps Power restore her own health. If she consumes too much, her strength increases exponentially.

If you think this character relies only on blood for her abilities, you might want to think again. Power has a unique sense of smell, which she uses to hunt Devils from incredible distances. Additionally, the Fiend is quite the skilled runner, often leaving her companions behind as she sprints into a fight. Her enhanced speed is particularly useful in tough situations when a quick escape is the best course of action.

In the upcoming Chainsaw Man episodes, viewers will get to see more of Power, and likely grow to love her as a character. The episodes will be aired every Tuesday on Crunchyroll.

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