Now I know why 2K decided to hold review copies of Mafia III until launch. The game -- which could've and should've been great, given the quality of those before it -- is a buggy, repetitive and downright boring mess. It saddens me to say it, but it's true.
Mafia III is now available in stores, but as you may have noticed, reviews (including our own) have been slow to surface. There's a reason for this, though.
It goes without saying that Dear Esther: Landmark Edition won't be for everyone. However, those who are willing to open their minds and try something different are in for a treat, because Curve Digital has brought a haunting, beautiful and memorable experiences to consoles with this port.
It's obvious from the get go that Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas is a Zelda clone that feels no shame about borrowing heavily from classics like The Wind Waker and A Link to the Past. However, despite being very clone-like in nature and lacking in originality, this game still manages to be quite good. Sure, it doesn't live up to Link's name, but it's polished, interesting and enjoyable enough to be worth a gander.
Obliteracers is a solid and nice-looking kart racer that is ballsy enough to do its own thing. Whether it's successful or not will depend on how many people buy it, and whether those folks become invested enough to populate an online community for months to come. At this point in time, only those who love to battle friends in local action need apply.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a decent sequel, but it's not the game that we were hoping for. There's a lot to like, but a lack of polish, a short runtime and a missing wow factor keep it from being great.
Moon Hunters is a welcomed addition to the PlayStation 4's library, which offers interesting, immersive and unique gameplay. It is not without its faults, nor perfect on a technical level, but is very much worth your time and money.
Hot off the heels of a trailer in which it re-introduced anti-hero Lincoln Clay, Mafia III's PR team is back with another promotional video. This time around, though, things take a dramatic shift from computer-generated footage to live action, with a short titled "Death Suits You."