The superhero genre exploded onto Hollywood mainstream when the first Spider-Man movie was released in 2002. Since then numerous heroes have graced theaters and the television screen in all sorts of diverse and unique ways. Among those that regaled audiences was the TV series Heroes, which premiered in 2006 and lasted four seasons before being cancelled. The show was initially met with substantial praise and enjoyed high ratings while developing a devoted audience. Unfortunately though, it soon lost viewers due to unoriginal storylines and failing to recapture the uniqueness and excitement of the first season.
Way back in 1966, visionary Gene Roddenberry presented the world with a science fiction television series that “boldly went where no man has gone before.” Star Trek soon amassed a vast and loyal horde of fans even though the original series was cancelled after three seasons. Never giving up and never surrendering (yes, this was Galaxy Quest not Star Trek), Star Trek expanded and became one the most successful and world-renown franchises with 5 major T.V. series and 11 major motion pictures by 2005. However, the franchise's appeal always leaned towards science fiction aficionados and left many casual moviegoers hesitant about it.