In the comics, the animated series and now in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, Batman has always had a no guns and no killing policy. His alter-ego, Bruce Wayne, was orphaned by gun crime – the murder of his parents, leading him to abhor the use of guns. Despite Batman's vigilante persona, the dangerous noir setting of Gotham, and the moody, dark, stylized art in each story, the Bat would toss each villain into the grim Arkham Asylum, instead of dispatching them.
After yesterday’s fatal shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Brothers have issued a statement expressing their shock and sympathy and have cancelled tonight's premiere in Paris. Now, reports are coming in that the studio is considering pulling all other screenings of the movie as well.
For fans who ‘shipped the bromance chemistry between Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) (or, in the land of “OTPs”, better known as “science bros”) in The Avengers, it’s a sad news day indeed. At this past weekend’s Comic-Con 2012 panel, Marvel’s President of Production Kevin Feige told fans that the enormous green rage monster will not be making a cameo in Iron Man 3.
At Comic-Con 2012’s Doctor Who panel , executive producer/head writer Steven Moffat promised that fans would be in for a “bigger variety of episodes,” according to Screenrant. Moffat, joined by stars Matt Smith (The Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams), revealed that Daleks would feature heavily in the upcoming season, and that the infamous Weeping Angels would return.