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Donald Trump gleefully uses the ‘N Word’ under camouflage of discussing Vladimir Putin

Another thoughtful post from a very stable genius.

Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump does not seem to be a smart man, but he sure is a man who knows how to get people’s attention when he has to. His latest desperate attempt at relevance involves Vladimir Putin, and a reference to a word that’s highly taboo in the United States. Whether he did it on purpose or not is something only Trump knows.

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Trump took to his social media platform Truth Social to talk about Russia and its recent threats to put nuclear missiles in Belarus, a country that borders Russia to the north. Instead of using the word “nuclear” like a sane person would, he called it the “N” word.

Anyone who lives in the United States and is a reasonable human being knows that “the N word” means a completely different thing in this country. It’s shorthand for a very discriminatory word used against Black people, and it’s not something people generally play around with at all.

Of course, this is Trump, and he doesn’t really seem to care about anything but appealing to his base and getting back in power.

“Here we go!!! Just as I predicted, now we’re playing with the “BIG STUFF.” The “N” WORD is now being used, front and center. This situation was caused by us – It’s what happens when you have incompetent people running your government. All I can say to you right now is, PRAY!”

Trump cited an article about NATO responding to Putin’s threats. It takes quite a lot of ignorant mental jujitsu to blame this on Biden, but that’s just part of the Republican playbook – blame the other guy. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of this type of baseless rhetoric as campaign season amps up. Buckle up everybody.

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