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George Lucas unintentionally video-bombed random documentary, creating hilarious viral moment

The hilarious moment actually happened ten years ago, but no one noticed then.

George Lucas
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

The force clearly guided George Lucas to the video camera on one bright afternoon in Chicago, but that camera was recording an interview for a documentary and no one seemed to realize then that the Star Wars creator ended up in their video.

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The moment happened a decade ago, but has now rapidly grown in popularity over the last two years to the point that a new video is made every so often featuring the moment. I’ve personally seen about eight different versions of it, including parodies, but the moment is a parody unto itself.

Two years ago, the channel updated the video with a comment, acknowledging George Lucas’ completely random appearance, making one realize they were likely not aware of their famous visitor for several years.

Of all things, the interview was about molten salt reactors and was uploaded by Gordon McDowell on his YouTube channel. One can assume that Gordon was the one recording. The interviewee was Bruce Hoglund and the interview was for a lengthy documentary on thorium.

The moment happens while Hoglund is walking around Chicago and discussing pyro-processsing. The funny thing about all of the nuclear reactor discussion, is that it sounds like technological verbiage that George Lucas would actually write for Star Wars to offset some rather questionable dialogue. It could easily be inserted in some speech about how the Death Star can blow up planets, as Grand Moff Tarkin would be happy to explain to Princess Leia just before blowing up Alderaan.

Here is the hilarious viral moment. You’ll notice Lucas clearly has no idea what’s going on until he — oops — steps in sight of the camera.

If you prefer to watch it as it appears in the original interview, which is over an hour long, then head to the 50-minute mark of this YouTube video.

Comments include everything from people loving that Lucas is a “billionaire who dresses like a plumber,” to the look on Lucas’ face when he realizes he is being recorded, which I think must be similar to when he randomly walked by his own Star Wars movie premiere without knowing it was actually opening.

The full documentary on thorium, which is over 6 hours long, can be viewed here. In case you’re wondering, yes, the George Lucas moment actually made it into the documentary at the 4 hour 36 minute mark.

It might be the only appearance that Lucas was not paid for.

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