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Tucker Carlson finally reveals his next move after firing from Fox News

That didn't take long.

Jason Koerner/Getty Images

Well, it was going to happen eventually. Someone as popular as Tucker Carlson doesn’t just fade into the atmosphere just because they got fired from Fox News. Turns out his next move is a pretty unorthodox one: he’s going to Twitter. That’s right, the Elon Musk-owned social media site is Carlson’s new home.

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Carlson made the announcement from what looks like his house. He sat in front of the camera and talked in his signature slow “they’re coming after you” and “they’re manipulating you” cadence, the one that won him millions of Fox News-watching fans. The caption to the tweet was simply “We’re back.”

If you’re a Carlson fan, this is great news, but you’re probably wondering, why Twitter? It’s probably because if Carlson wants to keep making his $20 million a year per his contract, he is not allowed to go to another outlet due to a non-compete clause. Which he is reportedly trying to get out of.

In an almost three minute video, it’s the same old Carlson doing the same old thing he always does. “They” are lying to you. No media is truthful. There’s nobody practicing free speech anymore etc. Oh, except him. He is the only one who doesn’t lie. How people continue to fall for his con-man tactics is perplexing.

“The best you can hope for from the news business at this point is the freedom to tell the fullest truth that you can,” he said. “But there are always limits.”

If you push those limits you get fired, he said. Carlson then starts fellating Twitter: “Amazingly, as of tonight, there aren’t many platforms left that allow free speech. The last big one remaining – the only one in the world – is Twitter.” Sure, as long as you agree with Musk that’s probably the case.

It gets better. “Twitter has long served as the place where our national conversation incubates and develops. Twitter is not a partisan site. Everybody is allowed here.” …Is there a site where everyone is not allowed?

Then Carlson said that even the news from Twitter comes from news organizations, and they also can’t be trusted. Smell where this is going? Carlson is setting himself up as the only truth teller in news. This is a ludicrous position, but his base probably doesn’t care. They’re just happy to have his face back on their screens.

“Starting soon we’ll be bringing a new version of the show we’ve been doing for six and a half years to Twitter,” he said. “We’ll be bringing some other things too. … Free speech is the main right that you have. Without it, you have no others.”

We’ll keep you posted.

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