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What are the most common celebrity zodiac signs?

Let's just say that it doesn't hurt to be born under an air sign.

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We love to study starlets. From their makeup routine to their hair care, we just want to know, what makes them stand out from the average joe. They seem so different, so special, their rises to the top so fated. It makes us wonder, could Hollywood stars’ success actually be written in the stars? We went on a mission to discover if there is a single celebrity zodiac sign that could indicate a star-lit path to the Hollywood walk of fame.

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While the question may seem straightforward, it really isn’t: What makes a celebrity, a celebrity? Most recognized, most financially successful, most Googled? Maybe it’s all of the above. To be thorough, let’s break it down and take a look at the zodiac signs in all of these categories.

The highest-earning celebrity zodiac signs

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There are many aspects to fame—financial success, popularity, Google trending status, so we decided to explore them all to see if one zodiac connected them. We began with one tried-and-true marker of celebrity successes, money.

To find the most highly paid zodiac signs, we took a look through the Forbes‘ highest paid entertainers list, and we were surprised with what we found. The consensus? Surprisingly enough, the air signs have it. Libra and Gemini are tied at four lovely celebrities each on the top-20 list. Some of the famous Libras that made the list include Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, and Chuck Lorre. The Gemini bank busters include Bob Dylan, Matt Stone, and Greg Berlanti.

Although never to be outdone, watery Scorpio also claims four of the top-earning celebrity spots. Not only does it tie with the air signs, it snags the coveted top-earning celebrity zodiac sign as Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson is a Scorpio. Born on Halloween, Jackson is the very picture of the dark and twisty Scorpio archetype. He is also the highest earning celebrity of 2022, making this sign the reigning champ of the highest earning celebrity charts. Neil Young and Sean “P.Diddy” Combs also made the Scorpio list.

Other famous celebrity Scorpios are Julia Roberts, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Reynolds, and Winona Ryder, although technically they did not make the highest earners list.

As for the most financially successful celebrity zodiac signs, the top-three contenders are Scorpio, Libra, and Gemini.

The most recognized celebrity zodiac signs

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There’s more to celebrity status than just money—there are also good looks or, at least, recognizable looks. One of the measures of a celebrity’s success is certainly their level of recognition. We scanned IMDb’s list of 100 most popular celebrities and compared the top 20 to see if there were any zodiac standouts. Surprisingly, once again the air signs had it as Libra and Gemini scored five most popular celebrities each.

Johnny Depp, Chris Evans, Liam Neeson, and Mark Wahlberg all scored one for the Gemini celebrity team while Libra claims such Hollywood hotties as Kate Winslet, Matt Damon, Will Smith, and Hugh Jackman as its own.

The third runner-up of the most recognized celebrity zodiac signs goes to Cancer. This sign claims such Hollywood heartthrobs as Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, and Sylvester Stallone. Having multiple successful celebs under this sign actually makes a lot of sense. Cancer can be a very emotional sign, it is ruled by the moon, and allows people to tap into those deep feelings, which is probably exactly what makes these Hollywood hunks such great actors.

The final count for the most recognized celebrity zodiac signs is Libra, Gemini, and Cancer.

The most commonly Googled celebrity zodiac signs

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While money and famous faces are nice, what’s celebrity status without search trends and clicks? To be thorough, we perused the most Googled celebrities of 2022′s zodiac signs to see if there were any additional trends we might be missing. From this list the winner is—drum roll please—Aquarius. Yes, another air sign tops the list. Julia Fox, Chris Rock, and Joseph Quinn all share the sign of the water bearer and share a spot on the most Googled celebrities of 2022 list.

Next on the list is Libra housing Will Smith and Ezra Miller. The most Googled celebrity of all of 2022 is Depp who is a Gemini, but he is the standout on the list as the only Gemini. Surprisingly while Leo claims celebrities such as Daniel Radcliffe, Ben Affleck, and Mila Kunis, it did not show up on any of our lists. Leo is the sign of the lion and is generally considered the sign of the performer. Leo loves the limelight and the center stage. While Leo may love the stage, the celebrities who float their ways to the top of the top are all air, baby.

The overall consensus of our list perusing is this: The air signs have it. From the Gemini bank busters to the Aquarius Google trenders and the Libra lookers, the air signs seem to rule the celebrity charts. With their mind-in-the-sky mentality, they can envision the life they want. With their penchant for logic, it seems they are able to grasp the business aspects of the industry. Air signs are often very social and loquacious, so they can build connections. As well all know in the celebrity biz, those connections are the way to the top.

If you are looking at your chart, and find yourself an air sign, start looking for a hidden talent because according to our research, your path to celebrity could be written in the stars.

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