In 2020, Sean “Diddy” Combs went on Instagram Live to introduce the world to his newly “adopted” daughter Ava Baroni. The young girl claimed Combs’ last name in the video, and Combs gave her a kiss on the cheek. This clip has resurfaced recently amid Diddy’s ongoing legal troubles. Everyone wants to know: what happened to Ava Baroni?
Fortunately, this part of Diddy’s story doesn’t involve rape, beating or coercion, at least not that we know of.
“My name’s Ava. I’m a Scorpio,” the girl says in the video. Combs then prompts her to say her “real name: “Ava Combs Baroni.” He goes on to say that he “adopted” the “white child,” and asks her to “tell them the story of how I adopted you, but you still have beautiful parents that — but you’re my child also.”
Ava says that she was living on the streets before “Papa Combs” decided he was going to take care of her. She said she was “basically sisters” with Combs’ daughters Jessie and D’Lila. Combs claimed Ava’s story was “borderline suspect,” but continued with the adoption theme. He said he adopted her the same way other celebrities like Madonna, Charlize Theron and Sandra Bullock adopted kids.
“I adopted you because I felt that you could enjoy also having a black parent to take care of you and help you out,” he said. He also claimed he asked for “permission” from Ava’s mom.
People have been concerned about Ava’s where abouts ever since a raid back in March on Diddy’s homes and his recent indictment on charges of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion, and transportation to engage in prostitution. He’s currently in the Metropolitan Detention Center after being denied bail, despite offering up $50 million for his freedom.
Ava is actually just fine, according to TMZ, who spoke to sources that said Combs was never Ava’s father and he never adopted her. She has always been taken care of by her parents and the whole thing has been “overblown,” the outlet reported.
Up until the TMZ report, there had been rampant speculation about the girl’s whereabouts. Users on X let loose with all kinds of rumors, including that the girl was missing, and that he had “groomed” her for his own supposed salacious purposes. Once again, community notes came to the rescue:
“Ava Baroni is the best friend of Diddys twin daughters. They grew up together, this joke was diddy playing around. She has never been adopted by diddy.” This is one story in the Diddy saga that at least has a happy ending. Well, as far as we know.