Southern Charm is an ongoing reality television series that premiered on Bravo in 2014. To date, there have been 130 episodes comprising nine seasons. Set in Charleston, South Carolina, the show follows the personal and professional lives of several socialites. There’s a significant focus on Southern culture and politics, and the show has featured notable historic locations like Lewisfield Plantation and Mikell House.
The show has an ever-changing cast, with only Craig Conover and Shep Rose from the main cast and Patricia Altschul from the supporting cast featured in all nine seasons. Other notable individuals who’ve been prominent cast members include independent politician Thomas Ravenel and filmmaker and television director Whitney Sudler-Smith (Altschul’s daughter).
One cast member appeared in the 2014 opening season, never to be seen again. Her name is Jenna King, and she was 28 years old when she appeared on the show. A fashion designer (notably of sunglasses and gloves), King stood out from the rest of the cast thanks to her striking mohawk-esque hairstyle, polite personality, and refreshing, carefree attitude. But what happened to her?
Where is Jenna King now?
Jenna King left Southern Charm and her life in South Carolina to move to Los Angeles, California, to pursue a more high-profile career in fashion design. She packed her bags and headed to sunnier climes almost immediately after it became clear she wouldn’t return to the show.
King had been in a relationship with Lou Ceruzzi, the married founder and president of the hugely successful real estate company Ceruzzi Properties. Many accused her of being a golddigger, but both she and Ceruzzi denied the claim. He was over 30 years older than her, and he tragically passed away from a coronary event in 2017 (as per, which she had to endure by his side.
Since leaving Southern Charm, King revealed the house presented as hers in the show didn’t actually belong to her. The show’s producers used it to make her look wealthier than she really was. Living a lie like that may have been another contributory factor in her leaving the series.
She has also abandoned her famous mohawk and grown her hair, which she sometimes braids. She looks great with her new hairstyle.
King has kept in touch with some Southern Charm cast members. In a 2023 interview with Bravo’s The Daily Dish, Shep Rose revealed they’re still friends, but their last attempt at meeting up went wrong. Rose said, “She was in Charleston, like, last year, and was like ‘Hey, I’m in Charleston, I’d love to see you.’ I was like, ‘Great, I would absolutely love to see you.’ And then she like ditched the whole thing.”
She also still talks to Cameran Eubanks, who said in another interview with The Daily Dish, “Jenna is great. I knew Jenna long before the show started and we do keep in touch. She lives in L.A., but she comes back to South Carolina. Her mom still lives in South Carolina.”
For a while in 2018, King had a Brazilian girlfriend named Janaina Delveira, but their Instagram posts together stopped, so we assume they’re no longer together.
Now 39, King hasn’t posted on social media since 2021, and it’s unknown how her fashion design career is going, but you can still follow her on Instagram and X to watch for any future posts she makes. We wish her all the best in whatever she’s doing.