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Don’t tell Hugh Jackman, but Wolverine is far from Deadpool’s only bromantic partner

Who hasn't Deadpool teamed up with at this point?

Image via Marvel Studios

The cultural phenomenon that is Deadpool & Wolverine is fast approaching and it seems that people can’t quite get enough of the duo. Although, unfortunately for Wolverine, Deadpool is notorious for having multiple bromances on the go at once.

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That’s right, Deadpool isn’t known for being the most faithful with his bromantic partners; from Cable to Spider-Man he’s had plenty of iconic team-up stories. In fact, there is a whole line of comics dedicated to Deadpool teaming up with different Marvel characters from heroes to villains, at this point it might be quicker to list the ones he hasn’t had a story with yet.

Maybe, if we’re lucky, and the stars align, we’ll get to see some of those on the silver screen in the future. Who knows! Some of these guys might even have cameos in the upcoming third Deadpool film! But until then, here are some of the Merc with a Mouth’s most memorable bromances from the comics that aren’t Wolverine.


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Don’t you love it when two unlikely characters end up working together? Right out the gate we’re kicking things off with one of Deadpool’s more cosmic companions: Galactus. Is it a stretch to label this a bromance? Maybe, but it’s a wacky and fun story nonetheless. It all starts with Wade Wilson seeing an ad in the paper for the role of “Herald of Galactus,” as you do, and decides being a planet eater could be pretty sweet. He’s not wrong, and just seeing Deadpool make use of the power cosmic is enough to put this particular team-up on the list.

Bob, Agent of Hydra

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Bob is just a regular guy— he just wants a stable 9 to 5 job with dental, but unfortunately he could only get a job at Hydra (who don’t even have dental). Regardless, Bob and Deadpool cross paths and he ends up becoming a sort of sidekick to the mercenary. The two get into all kinds of insane adventures, and the dynamic between them works mostly because Bob is just such a normal guy, forcibly thrust into the weirdest situations because of his “friend.”


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Comics are weird sometimes. The idea of a 300 year-old vampire cow who is mortal enemies with Dracula feels like something only the most demented mind could conjure, and yet, Hellcow, AKA Bessie, exists. At some point in time both Bessie and Wade Wilson end up captured by Dr. Kilgore. The two for a sort of camaraderie and plan an escape. After the escape Deadpool expresses his feelings of deep friendship as Bessie steps into the sunlight and dies. But don’t worry, later on, a time-traveling Wade returns to prevent her death and later down the line Hellcow joins the Deadpool Inc. crew, helping out with a heist. All I’m gonna say is, if the next Deadpool movie isn’t Deadpool & Hellcow, I will riot.

The Deadpool Corps

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Is multiple variations of the same guy cheating? Well, it’s my list, so I guess what I say goes. The Deadpool Corps are a team of Deadpools from across the multiverse including Dogpool, Ladypool, Headpool, and Kidpool. As a general rule of thumb, more Deadpool is typically a good thing and that rule certainly applies here. The team is brought together to stop The Awareness, a being that existed before the universe and basically goes around collecting the consciousness of planets.


Image via Marvel Comics

Just like Wade, Domino is a mercenary, and the two are great friends, which already makes this duo more sincere than most of the others on this list. The two even married at one point, although it was all done to infiltrate a marriage convention, and they divorced shortly afterwards. Either way, Domino and Deadpool share a pretty special connection that (aside from the fake marriage) is mostly platonic, which is rare with male and female characters in comics, and is also why I’m counting this as a bromance, (girls can be bros too). 


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Aside from the fact that their costumes look kind of similar, they don’t really have all that much in common, and that’s exactly why they work so well together. Spidey is morally upstanding and always does what’s right, while Deadpool is amoral at best, but their opposing personalities make for some entertaining moments. Also I lied, they do have something else in common: They’re both known for their hilarious quips.


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Was it ever going to be anyone else? Like many of the others on this list, his personality typically clashes with Deadpool’s more often than not, but that’s exactly why they work so well. Out of all the heroes mentioned, Cable is definitely the guy Wade Wilson teams up with the most; they’ve had so many iconic adventures together, with a whole 50-issue series dedicated just to these two. We even got to see the pair team up in live action in Deadpool 2, and it was awesome.

Wolverine has some fierce competition

We’re all excited to see Deadpool & Wolverine, but Hugh Jackman has got to remember, he’s not the only man in Deadpool’s life. Wade Wilson has got to be one of the biggest team players out there, and hopefully the films and comics continue to pair him off with whoever they feel like. Somehow it just always works.

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