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Marvel To Feature Wolverine In Post-Credits Scenes And Put Captain America Back On Ice In 2018

By now, I'm sure many of you know to stay after the credits whenever seeing the latest Marvel movie and, likewise, wonder where the heck everyone else is going when they begin to roll. I mean, haven't people learned their lesson on numerous occasions since the first Iron Man flick debuted back in 2008?

By now, I’m sure many of you know to stay after the credits whenever seeing the latest Marvel movie and, likewise, wonder where the heck everyone else is going when they begin to roll. I mean, haven’t people learned their lesson on numerous occasions since the first Iron Man flick debuted back in 2008?

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Anyway, beginning in 2018, the House of Ideas intend on implementing a similar flourish in their comic books, specifically involving Wolverine. As you may have heard by now, the 616 Logan that we all love is once again among the living, having returned this fall in the Marvel Legacy one-shot. Still, much mystery surrounds the resurrected icon, particularly why he’s not dead anymore – and how he came into possession of an Infinity Stone.

As for these post-credits scenes – or “backup stories,” as the rest of us having been calling them for decades – the first round will be featured in Captain America #697, Mighty Thor #703 and Amazing Spider-Man #794, beginning in January.

Continuing to make his press rounds was Marvel SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, who had this to offer:

“Fans have been speculating about Wolverine’s whereabouts since he first reappeared in MARVEL LEGACY #1—and the Marvel Universe is left just as unaware! So keep your eyes peeled as Canada’s favorite citizen makes his presence felt in titles all across the Marvel line! It’s all leading to something—but what?”

And speaking of Captain America, it looks like 2018 will get off to a rough start for him. We say that because the “Out of Time” arc, set to kickoff with issue #698, will put the Sentinel of Liberty back on ice. Not much is known as of now, but expect “the super soldier to assemble a new group of Howling Commandos to help him battle for this freedom” once he thaws out.

Here’s what Brevoort had to say regarding this subject:

“Everybody thought it couldn’t happen again—but it has! Once more, Cap is a man out of time—but the new era he finds himself in is fraught with perils, personal hardships, and challenges unlike anything the shield-slinger has ever experienced before. The lead-up to our big blow-out #700 issue starts here!”

For a preview of what lies ahead for both Wolverine and Captain America, be sure to check out the gallery above. In the meantime, let us know what you think about these developments in the usual place below!

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