A few weeks back, Marvel dropped a mysterious image depicting a Hulk/Wolverine hybrid that caused fans and journalists alike to speculate what the nature of it was and if it could possibly be tying into any of the upcoming X-Men books. Well, today we know that to partially be true as the House of Ideas have officially pulled back the curtain on Weapons of Mutants Destruction.
Here’s the skinny: This June, Marvel will launch a six-issue crossover involving Totally Awesome Hulk and Weapon X. As usual, a story of this nature will kickoff with an oversized one-shot, in this case, Weapons of Mutant Destruction Alpha. Set to be written by Greg Pak and illustrated by Mahmud Asrar, it’s probably safe to say that no True Believer will want to miss this one.
Before we proceed any further, let’s check out the synopsis Marvel has provided:
For years, the Weapon X Program engineered the most dangerous mutant machines on planet Earth. That is, until they mysteriously vanished. Until today! The Weapon X program has been reopened, more deadly and dangerous than ever before. Under the leadership of its mysterious new director, the Weapon X program has moved beyond their old ways and has a new mission – exterminate all mutants! The key to their master plan? Amadeus Cho, the Totally Awesome Hulk! But why? And what is the sinister secret of Weapon X’s mysterious new “Batch-H” experiment?
As we can see, Amadeus Cho is indeed the Hulk at the heart of this crossover, so I guess we can put our Bruce Banner theories to bed. Still, involving a Green Goliath in the Weapon X program is a prospect that would cause anyone to quake in their boots.
As of now, no synopsis has been provided for either Totally Awesome Hulk #20 or Weapon X #5, but we’ll keep you posted over the next few months as Weapons of Mutant Destruction‘s launch draws near.
Published: Mar 9, 2017 6:08 PM UTC