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Who is Lobo in DC Comics? Powers, explained

Lobo is one of DC's most popular character. But what are his powers?

Image via DC Comics

The rumor that Jason Momoa may be cast as Lobo in an upcoming DCEU project has led to loads of online discussion, and it is easy to see why. Lobo is a character with a massive cult following, and fans have long been demanding the character get his own series or movie. Jason Momoa has often been suggested whenever the internet talks about who they want to see step into the character’s large and dangerous shoes. 

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Who is Lobo, and what is his powerset? Here is everything you need to know.

What are Lobo’s origins?

Lobo made his debut in Omega Men #3 in 1983. Created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen, the character was said to be a Velorpian, whose entire race was wiped out by the Psions, turning him into an angry space bounty hunter.

In the 1990s, a storyline titled “Lobo: The Last Czarnian” featured a new and more extreme backstory in which Lobo was said to be from the planet Czarnia and a member of the Czarnian race. Don’t expect to see many Czarnians around anymore, however, as Lobo killed all of them.

Since then, Lobo has acted as a mercenary, killing for cash wherever he can. Despite his violent and misanthropic nature, Lobo always obeys the letter of a bargain (though he often disregards its spirit.) 

Meant to be a parody of Marvel’s Wolverine and act as a general pastiche of gritty ’90s anti-heroes, Lobo actually became very popular with fans and ended up as one of DC’s most successful characters. Because of this, Lobo has appeared in many different DC shows, having made appearances in  Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, and  Young Justice. 

The character has also jumped to live-action, appearing in 2018’s Krypton. There have been several attempts to make a Lobo movie, however these plans have never come to fruition. 

What powers does Lobo have?


Lobo’s main power is his alien body, the physiology of which gives him several massive advantages in any fight. The main one is that Lobo is invincible, being able to shrug off blows that would decimate even DC’s strongest fighters. This is because the only thing that can kill a Czarnian is another Czarnian. Lobo, however, takes this one step further. Due to his evil nature, Lobo has been rejected by both Heaven and Hell. Thus he can not die, no matter the situation (though some heroes have found some ways to get around that, if only temporarily.) 

Lobo also has superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. He can regenerate his body from practically nothing and self-sustain without food, water, or oxygen. Also, Lobo’s regeneration is so intense that he can grow copies of himself. If someone can draw blood from Lobo, that blood drop might become a new Lobo. This power, though, has come and gone over the years as the story demanded it. 

Outside of his physical attributes, Lobo also has other abilities. He is a genius who is able to create chemicals and build machines with only a handful of parts, even ones he is unsure of. 

Lobo is also an excellent combatant, able to use many weapons with deadly accuracy, even ones he has not seen before. He can use these weapons in creative ways, allowing him to take down even the most powerful and most dangerous foes. 

This is why his signature weapon, a hook on a chain, can be so impractical, as Lobo is skilled enough to make it devastating. Alongside this, he has a whole arsenal of other tools, from melee weapons to guns and bombs. If it can hurt someone, Lobo likely has it.                 

Also, in some stories, should Lobo’s body perish, his soul can walk the Earth and take control of another body, due to neither Heaven nor Hell wanting him around, adding another layer to his invincibility and making him amazingly dangerous, even when he’s losing. 

Lobo only has one major weakness, that being his moral code. Lobo will never break a deal once he has entered into it. He only follows the letter of the contract, however, not the spirit. This allows him to often wiggle his way out of dodgy deals that put him in bad situations. 

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