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Which Disney character am I based on my Zodiac sign?

When you wish upon a star sign...

Images via Walt Disney Animation Studios

Everyone has those Disney characters that mean the world to them, either because they feature in their favorite childhood movies or because they’ve found that they relate to them in some shape or form. If you’re a Disney fan, then you’ve probably already assigned yourself a Mouse House alter ego.

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So let’s put that to the test, shall we? Our Zodiac signs can tell us a lot about our personalities, our strengths, and our weaknesses, and maybe, just maybe, they can help us determine who are Disney twin is, too. Whatever your star sign, here you can find out which Disney character truly matches who you are the most. Even if you’re a little shocked at your result, just think about it and you might start to see the resemblance.

Note: We’re sticking to the Disney animated classics for this guide, as well as only main characters. So don’t worry, nobody’s going to be told they’re just like Judge Frollo.

Aries — Hercules

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Who puts the glad in gladiator? The Aries! Whose daring deeds make great the-at-er? The Aries! Like Hercules, an Aries possesses a single-minded determination to achieve their goals and is always willing to go the distance. Unfortunately, sometimes they suffer from deep-rooted insecurities, like Herc’s feelings of not belonging, which they mustn’t let derail their dreams.

Taurus — Beast

Image via Walt Disney Animation Studios

The Taurus is the bull for a reason — anyone born under this star sign can be incredibly stubborn and are known to hold a grudge. Ringing any bells, Belle? Just like Disney’s Beast, however, Taurses are also fiercely loyal and there’s no one better to have by your side if you need support — like when Beast bravely saved Belle from a pack of wolves.

Gemini — Jim Hawkins

Image via Walt Disney Animation Studios

What do you mean Treasure Planet is not a Disney classic? It’s highly underrated, OK! Spacefaring teen Jim Hawkins is a textbook example of a Gemini: he’s super-inquisitive, intelligent, and due to Gemini being an air sign, he’s flighty, which has more than one meaning in Jim’s case. That said, his fuse can run a little short once he’s been hurt — see his falling out with Long John Silver.

Cancer — Elsa

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“I have always been a fortress/Cold secrets deep inside,” Elsa sings in Frozen 2‘s “Show Yourself” — and if that’s not the theme song of a Cancer, I don’t know what is! As with Elsa, Cancers like to erect walls around themselves for protection, but to those they do let in and care about, they will remain intensely loving and loyal — like Elsa’s beloved sister, Anna.

Leo — Simba

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What can I say? He’s a lion and he’s a Leo! Simba, particularly when he’s a cub, displays a lot of classic Leo traits in that he’s bold, confident and, whether they’re royalty or not, Leos tend to act like they just can’t wait to be king. Leos are also fiercely protective, however, which we see when Simba grows into a wise and caring king of the Pride Lands.

Virgo —Tiana

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If you’re a Virgo, then you’re probably an incredibly hard worker and an all-round industrious person — so stand up, working class queen Tiana, you’re definitely a Virgo. Virgos are often very humble and sweet-natured, too, but they should watch out for this growing into self-doubt. And maybe they occasionally need to be turned into a frog to remember to de-stress and just enjoy life.

Libra — Rapunzel

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We have no idea how Rapunzel was raised all alone in a tower by Disney’s most emotionally manipulative parent and yet she still turned out so caring and kind — clearly, she must be a Libra. A Libra is marked by their vast reserves of empathy, which is why they make wonderful friends, even if their indecisive nature means they’re not good at confrontations or asserting themselves.

Scorpio — Aladdin

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Obsessive, moody, secretive — all of these are commons traits for Scorpios, and they definitely fit Aladdin of Agrabah like a glove. Scorpios are immense fun to be around, just as Jasmine found out when she went on a magic carpet ride with Prince Ali, but they’re often a closed book, much like how Aladdin keeps the truth about his origins a secret from the princess that he loves.

Sagittarius — Giselle

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All right, so Giselle is predominantly a live-action character, but she starts out animated, so she still counts. A true free spirit like Giselle, a Sagittarius isn’t one for fitting into a regular, boring life and craves spontaneity and change. Because of this, though, they can sometimes seek the easy way out of a tough situation, like how Giselle uses magic to fix her problems in Disenchanted.

Capricorn — Moana

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Capricorns are perfectionists to the nth degree — if they decide to go out and save the world, they won’t stop until they do. Just like Moana, when she set sail to restore the heart of Te Fiti. A Capricorn’s knack for telling it like it is, like how Moana is keen to cut through Maui’s bravado, is an attractive trait, although sometimes they can be their own biggest critic.

Aquarius — Mulan

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Anyone who’s an Aquarius is an innovator, a true progressive who’s fighting for change and to challenge expectations. That’s something Mulan certainly did when she contravened gender norms and joined the Chinese Army. Unfortunately, this means Capricorns aren’t always the best at fitting in socially so they need to make sure not to spend too much time staring at their own reflection.

Pisces — Cinderella

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Imagination is a gift that a Pisces has in spades, as their remarkable talent for creativity is matched only by their overwhelmingly kind and nurturing personality. Just as Cinderella found, though, it can be hard for a Pisces to develop a thick skin to cruelty and criticism and avoid losing themselves in a fantasy world. But as very much a people’s person, it shouldn’t hard to find their Prince/ss Charming.

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