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10 Very Underrated Superhero Video Games

Oh, what a time to be alive. Not only is the superhero genre infiltrating television and cinema, but it's also rocking our gaming consoles with phenomenal titles. Whether it's the tactical brilliance of Batman: Arkham City or the imagination of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, there's something for everyone. Now, with the alluring promise of Injustice 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite on the horizon, the future's looking brighter than ever for superhero video games.

Oh, what a time to be alive. Not only is the superhero genre infiltrating television and cinema, but it’s also rocking our gaming consoles with phenomenal titles. Whether it’s the tactical brilliance of Batman: Arkham City or the imagination of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, there’s something for everyone. Now, with the alluring promise of Injustice 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite on the horizon, the future’s looking brighter than ever for superhero video games.

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But there was a dark time when this gaming genre was viewed in much the same way as film adaptations of video games: weak, uninspired, and blatant cash grabs. Heck, whenever you saw the logo LJN on your cartridge, you knew you were in for a rough ride. Amongst the sea of turds (I’m looking at you, Superman 64), however, there was the occasional gem as well. That said, due to the negative sentiment towards the genre, a lot of these games went by unnoticed and haven’t received the credit that they deserve.

So, come on and take a look back at 10 of the most underrated superhero video games with us. Feel the nostalgia and say hello to some old friends!

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