I decide to finally go to bed at a reasonable hour for a change to fight off this mutant flu that’s been plaguing me, and the second my head hits the pillow my phone goes nuts. From Software surprised us all, and sent parts of the internet into an absolute uproar, when Dark Souls 2 was shown during the 2012 Video Game Awards.
The trailer didn’t show any actual gameplay, instead it opted to show some pre-rendered cutscenes giving us a hint on what to expect. Right now, anything we can give you is rampant speculation, but the internet is tizzy with rumors of where or even when the game will be set. We’ve got dragons that bare a stunning resemblance to some of the dragons we’ve already seen, some dudes with bloody masks and a guy who looks just a bit like Solaire of Astora totally wrecking them.
As it is, we only know two things for sure. One, Dark Souls 2 is officially a thing and two, there is a fairly high probability that I will die horribly within 5 minutes of booting it up.
What do you think? Excited for Dark Souls 2?
[Update] The Dark Souls 2 announcement trailer which debuted during the 2012 Spike TV Video Game Awards is now embedded below.Sorry, the video is currently unavailable.
Published: Dec 7, 2012 10:55 pm