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Fenix Rising Map Pack Will Bring Re-Up Option To Gears Of War 3

Say goodbye to your free time, gaming friends. Epic Games has officially confirmed that its next set of DLC for Gears of War 3 will include a "Re-Up" option. What does that mean, exactly? It will allow players to essentially 'Prestige,' after getting to the title's level 100 cap. This can be done "multiple times," in order to unlock "exclusive emblems and weapon skins."

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Say goodbye to your free time, gaming friends. Epic Games has officially confirmed that its next set of DLC for Gears of War 3 will include a “Re-Up” option. What does that mean, exactly? It will allow players to essentially ‘Prestige,’ after getting to the title’s level 100 cap. This can be done “multiple times,” in order to unlock “exclusive emblems and weapon skins.”

Due on January 17, this option will be an important part of the upcoming Fenix Rising map pack. Comprised of five new maps, four character skins and the Re-Up option, it will retail for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).

Based on the provided list, “multiple times” means three in Epic‘s lingo. That makes sense. After all; it’ll take a long time to get to that plateau once, let alone three times.

Here are the specific weapon skins which you can unlock each time you Re-Up:

Re-Up Plasma: Animated golden flowing plasma.
Re-Up Omen: A shiny red Omen.
Re-Up Electric: Fully animated (golden) electric shocks.

For those keeping count, the Fenix Rising pack will be the third set of major downloadable content released for Gears of War 3. This means it’s the third (out of four) packs available in the game’s thirty dollar Season’s Pass. Last week’s RAAM’s Shadow prequel campaign was the second one released. The Horde Command Pack was the first.

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