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Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris, Stealth Inc 2 Topline PlayStation Plus August Line-Up

Not to be outdone by Microsoft and its Games with Gold promotion, Sony has wasted no time in unveiling the software headed to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection for the month of August.

Not to be outdone by Microsoft and its Games with Gold promotion, Sony has wasted no time in unveiling the software headed to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection for the month of August.

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Toplined by Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris and Limbo on PlayStation 4, the latest additions to the IGC will make their way onto Sony’s digital platform on Tuesday, August 4. In terms of PlayStation 3, owners of Sony’s last-gen hardware can look forward to quartet of freebies thanks to the ever-popular Cross-Play feature. Primarily, this selection will comprise Sound Shapes and Curve Digital’s excellent platformer Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones – both of which are available on the Vita – while both God of War Ascension and CastleStorm Complete Edition will be available only on PS3.

As always, it is July’s roster of PlayStation Plus titles that will have to make way for the new recruits, meaning that the following titles will be removed from the Instant Game Collection early next week. Quick, grab them while you can!

Rocket League (PS4)
Styx: Master of Shadows (PS4)
MouseCraft (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
Entwined (PS4, PS Vita)
Rain (PS3)
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (PS Vita)

While it won’t go down as the strongest line-up in PlayStation Plus history, there are plenty of solid experiences to be had if you’ve yet to play any of the aforementioned new additions. Sounds Shapes, for instance, is one of the most creative platforms out there, combining music and the genre’s core tenets to remarkable effect.

Tell us, which PlayStation Plus title are you most excited about for the month of August?

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