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Mads Mikkelsen Is As Confused As You Are About Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding

Confused by Death Stranding? You aren't the only one, after Mads Mikkelsen admitted feeling a little lost while chatting to Birth.Movies.Death.

Confused by Death Stranding? You aren’t the only one.

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Kojima Productions’ PS4 exclusive stole the headlines late last week following its showcase at The Game Awards 2016, where it was revealed that both Guillermo del Toro and Mads Mikkelsen – two close friends of lead designer Hideo Kojima – would play a part in the esoteric sci-fi title.

Even after unveiling two very different, very creepy trailers, many are still clueless about the core premise of Death Stranding, and that’s a feeling that Mikkelsen can empathize with. Chatting to Birth.Movies.Death (via Kotaku), the Rogue One actor admitted that he only understands some of Kojima’s new IP, but is excited to work with the esteemed developer and newly-crowned industry icon nonetheless.

“It’s very intricate. I mean, you know [Kojima]. He’s a very brilliant man. I mean … the stuff he told me? I only understood some of it. There was a lot of ‘What?’ I have to see it before I understand. Because with Death Stranding, he’s creating something completely new.”

On board as the game’s antagonist, Mikkelsen went on to praise the original Death Stranding trailer, and how it was able to render all of the emotions displayed by Norman Reedus.

“But I also saw the trailer he had done with Norman Reedus, and I thought that was spectacular just from the standpoint of an actor. The emotion, the feeling of it, the sensuality in what he does. Without even being a gamer, I was like, this is crazy, what he’s doing. I loved it.”

Death Stranding is in development as a PS4 exclusive. It’ll be built using an upgraded version of the Decima game engine used for Horizon Zero Dawn but beyond that, there are precious few details available at this early stage.

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