According to Joystiq, 11 bit studios plans to release its critically-acclaimed action-strategy game, Anomaly: Warzone Earth, onto the North American PlayStation Network this Tuesday. That impending digital release will mark the game’s sixth within this region, joining a list that features the XBLA, PC, Mac, Android and iOS platforms.
Those who’ve followed this popular title will be aware of the fact that it originally debuted as a mobile game, and will be interested to know that a sequel to that version is currently in development. Entitled Anomaly Korea, it is expected to debut during the latter portion of next month, or in early November. We’ll let you know if we hear anything more on that front.
While you wait for the above-mentioned releases to occur, check out our in-depth review of the Xbox LIVE Arcade version of Anomaly: Warzone Earth. You know you want to.
Published: Sep 9, 2012 11:02 pm