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‘Pathetic and unattractive Oscar Isaac’: Hideo Kojima offers up his ‘Moon Knight’ hot take

Can love bloom on social media?

Oscar Isaac in Moon Knight
Image via Marvel Studios

When gaming icon Hideo Kojima talks, people listen. The Metal Gear and Death Stranding creator is currently riding high after a stupendously great Death Stranding 2: On the Beach reveal and the Disney Plus premiere of the documentary Hideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds. But now he has what at first glance appears to be a very spicy take on Oscar Isaac.

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Kojima subscribed to Disney Plus to watch the documentary about him, but also decided to check out an episode of 2022’s Moon Knight. His response: “I had never imagined such a pathetic and unattractive Oscar Isaac.” But this put-down isn’t quite what it seems, as he’s praising Isaac for breaking type to play the cowardly and nervous Steven Grant

Who would have thought the man who created Metal Gear Solid would enjoy a bizarre and imaginative narrative about dark conspiracies where nothing is as it seems and identity is fluid and shifting?

Anyhows, Kojima and Isaac share a least one other connection. For years Isaac was cast as Solid Snake in Jordan Vogt-Roberts’ live-action adaptation of the 1998 PlayStation game. Sadly, after years in development hell all we’ve seen is some concept art and now it seems Isaac may have abandoned the project and it’s not going to happen at all.

However, Kojima is hard at work on a Death Stranding movie for A24. This won’t be a direct adaptation of the game’s story but will be set in its world, meaning there’s a chance Isaac could nab the role of a fellow deliveryman and get to wrap his vocal cords around Kojima’s distinctive dialogue.

And as for Moon Knight? Despite a late tease of third personality Jake Lockley there have been no rumblings at Marvel Studios that the character will return, either in a second season of the show or in another hero’s movie. We’d be surprised if we never saw Moon Knight again in any form, though Isaac is constantly in demand so scheduling him to make even a cameo must be difficult.

Is Isaac really “pathetic and unattractive”? In Moon Knight he is, but that just underlines the depth of his acting talent.

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