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Beyond: Two Souls Demo Announced For October 1st

Quantic Dream has announced that a demo for the PS3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls will be available on Tuesday, October 1st via the PlayStation Store.

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Quantic Dream has announced that a demo for the PS3 exclusive Beyond: Two Souls will be available on Tuesday, October 1st via the PlayStation Store.

It is unclear exactly how much playtime we can expect to get out of the Beyond: Two Souls demo, but Quantic Dream has revealed that it will cover the two following scenes and allow players to “experience the improvements… made to Heavy Rain‘s control scheme.”

  • Jodie & Aiden: Join a very young Jodie as she takes part in an experiment at the Department of Paranormal Activities. As officials put her abilities to the test, you take charge of a mysterious, invisible entity.
  • Hunted: Skip forward a number of years and help Jodie escape the clutches of government agents as the mysterious entity unleashes its truly astonishing powers.

In addition to the demo announcement, Quantic Dream also released the third video in their four part “Making Of” series today. This latest installment details the performance capture work for Beyond: Two Souls and talks about some of the game’s set designs.

Check out Beyond: Two Souls‘ third “Making Of” video embedded below, and look for more coverage on the PlayStation 3 exclusive as we closer to its launch on October 8th.

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