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6 Characters We Want To See In Star Wars Battlefront DLC

5) Chewbacca

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We already know that Han Solo is going to be a playable hero from day one when the game releases, but what about his loyal companion and co-pilot, Chewbacca? The two were mostly inseparable during the original trilogy of movies, and it’s hard to imagine that Chewie would allow Han into another battle without demanding to fight alongside him.

The Wookie’s Bowcaster is a powerful tool that fires metal projectiles surrounded by energy that can shock and stun its targets. It’s a great piece of equipment to take into battle, as is the trademark strength of the towering creatures themselves. Chewbacca could enter the fray with a powerful melee attack to bolster his arsenal, as well as an enhanced capability for taking damage as a result of his great strength.

It’s unclear at this time whether battles in the game will allow for multiple heroes to enter the fray for one team, but if this is a case, then Chewie and Han would make a formidable duo in any conflict. It would be great to see them benefit from improved attributes if a team manages to call on them both simultaneously.

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