The review embargo on Hogwarts Legacy just lifted and it’s safe to say Warner Bros Interactive and Avalanche Software will be in the mood to celebrate. The game has had a long shadow cast over it by J.K. Rowling’s transphobic comments, which have resulted in a wide call to boycott the title.
This left reviewers in a tough spot, but though most of them (including our reviewer) acknowledged the controversy surrounding the game, it seems they cannot deny its quality. Hogwarts Legacy is sitting at an impressive 88 on Metacritic and 85% on OpenCritic, with critics almost unanimously saying it delivers on the promise of immersing players in the Wizarding World as they enter Hogwarts and uncover dark magical secrets.
This leaves Harry Potter fans who’d vowed to boycott in a tough spot, as is reflected in the reactions on social media:
Maintaining the boycott looks like it’s going to be painful:
Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that the dire predictions about critics prejudging it based on their politics have proved groundless:
Begun, the discourse wars have:
Those who’ve stuck with the franchise despite everything are celebrating:
Is a wave of review-bombing on the way?
But there are a few outlets that have remained quiet on the game:
It looks like it’s going to be an interesting week on social media as Harry Potter fans that oppose J.K. Rowling decide whether they can really stomach missing out on what’s by all accounts an incredible experience. But, as always, the proof will be in the pudding when regular gamers get their hands on the game later this week.
Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Hogwarts Legacy is released on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC on Feb 10, with PS4 and Xbox One releases on April 4, and the Nintendo Switch on Jul 25.
Published: Feb 6, 2023 11:46 AM UTC