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Uncharted On NGP: Not By Naughty Dog

Yikes that’s one hell of a scary headline, and perhaps we are conditioned to react unfairly simply because Naughty Dog and Nathan Drake are father and son to most gamers. So the news that Sony’s world class developers aren’t going to be handling the good stuff on the NGP (PSP2 for those who haven’t heard) it might suddenly make you scream and tear your finely brushed hair out.

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Yikes that’s one hell of a scary headline, and perhaps we are conditioned to react unfairly simply because Naughty Dog and Nathan Drake are father and son to most gamers. So the news that Sony’s world class developers aren’t going to be handling the good stuff on the NGP (PSP2 for those who haven’t heard) it might suddenly make you scream and tear your finely brushed hair out.

Instead, Naughty Dog are going to keep their genius brains buried in PS3 big boy Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and Bend studio (don’t laugh) are making the portable adventure instead. Despite having a highly amusing name, ‘Bend studios’ have a respectable track record with bragging rights over all the more than half decent Syphon Filter games on the rapidly ageing original PSP, and in all fairness when we saw the gameplay of Drake on NGP, no one said it looked like a hideous alien relative, so calm down and have faith in your first judgement.

I’m still confident and optimistic that this team will deliver the title up to Naughty Dogs master class standards, and then there are all the other games NGP is getting.

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