As one of the leading survival horror games, Dead by Daylight has amassed thousands of monthly users, climbing the ranks to become an immensely popular test of skill between those who choose to survive and those who choose to kill. Once you’ve been inevitably sucked into the never-ending cycle of grinding for daily Bloodpoints, you’ll soon learn more about each character, be it Survivor or Killer. In turn, if surviving is more your style, you’ll find yourself drawn to one particular Survivor and frequently choosing them above all others. There might be a number of reasons to explain this sudden gravitation toward one Survivor, be it sought-after cosmetics, useful perks, or a relatable personality. Whatever it may be, Dead by Daylight players — as much as they’ll attempt to stray — often find themselves returning to their Survivor Main out of obligation.
We’re here to tell you that there might be a more psychological explanation as to why you’d choose a certain Survivor Main. If you’re partial to some tarot reading or fortune telling, or you’re the type of person who finds themselves down a rabbit hole of mind-numbing BuzzFeed quizzes, you might be interested to know why you associate yourself with a certain Dead by Daylight character — and we’ll gladly take a shot at filling you in.
1. Dwight Fairfield
Let’s start off with the main man himself, Dwight Fairfield. If you main Dwight, there’s a strong possibility that you see yourself in him. It’s obvious from short cutscenes and idle animations that Dwight has a nervous disposition, often giving the impression that he’s an introvert by nature. However, Dwight is also a valiant leader who rises to every occasion when he’s needed. There’s a strong likelihood that you relate to Dwight on a personal level or enjoy over-the-top cosmetics (i.e. the elf outfit) and typically have a good sense of humor. Essentially, Dwight is the perfect all-around character and doesn’t ever pretend to be something he’s not.
2. Meg Thomas
Much like Meg Thomas herself, we’d wager that plenty of Meg mains are athletic and enjoy at least a few different sports, which in turn makes them decidedly competitive. Usually, Meg mains enjoy looping the Killers a ridiculous number of times before said Killer inevitably rage-quits and moves on to someone else. Mission accomplished. If there’s one thing that can be said of a Meg main, it’s that they’re always good in a crisis, just like the character they love. Megs usually pull off unthinkable tactics and steer their team to victory. While Meg mains aren’t inherently toxic, they do have a habit of flaunting their “better than you” attitude. Usually, Meg mains are extremely good at Dead by Daylight and they won’t leave a trial without making it known.
3. Claudette Morel
If you main Claudette, we’d almost guarantee that you’re the “mom” friend. On a night out, you make sure everyone is safe and comfortable at all times, exuding a peaceful and nurturing aura that resonates with others. People feel safe around you and know that whenever you’re around, they’re in good hands. There’s also a good chance that if you chose Claudette, you might be new to the game and therefore terrified to take any damage, so her Self Care perk is a lifesaver. Above all else, Claudette mains are team players who take it upon themselves to patch up any boo-boos and play nurse for the entirety of the trial, making use of Claudette’s efficient perks. Claudette mains are generally approachable, considerate, and empathetic, always looking to make others feel at ease.
4. Jake Park
If there’s ever anything to say about a Jake main, it’s that they’re undoubtedly skilled at Dead by Daylight. Just like Meg mains, they’re better than you and you know it. If you find yourself paired with a Jake, you’ll find comfort in the knowledge that they will do anything in their power to ensure you aren’t hooked. They’ll pull toolboxes out of thin air if it means infuriating the Killer. Jake mains are competitive, like Meg mains, but they’re also extremely reliable. They’ll be around when you need them, even if you think all hope is lost. If there’s a word to describe Jake mains, it’s persistent. They seem to have a strong disliking for any and all Killers, so it’s almost a guarantee they’ll be doing everything in their power to antagonize and outplay their opponent.
5. Nea Karlsson
There’s a definite split down the middle when it comes to Nea mains. They’ll either be exactly as toxic as you’d expect them to be or defy all expectations and turn out to be the sweetest teammate you ever had. And no, there are absolutely zero exceptions. If there’s anything to be said about Nea, it’s that she’s entirely customizable. Thanks to her overflowing catalog of cosmetics, Nea can be anything you want her to be, so we’d bet that a lot of LGBTQ+ players will choose Nea as their main purely because she’s so androgynous and flexible with her appearance. If you’ve experienced playing against a Nea from a Killer’s perspective, you’ll know they’re stealthy and dubious, so it’s safe to say her mains prefer the silent approach.
6. Laurie Strode
Obviously, it goes without saying that if you’re a Laurie main, you have an undying love for the Halloween franchise and believe John Carpenter to be a literal god. Besides that, Laurie has strong appeal as one of horror’s longest-standing final girls, so her mains likely appreciate her status as an extremely famous presence within the realm of horror. It wouldn’t be a stretch to call Laurie Strode the scream queen, the one who started it all. In playing as Laurie, her mains are given a heightened sense of fulfillment by embodying one of the biggest icons in filmmaking history. We get the impression from Laurie mains that they’re also stuck in the ’70s and ’80s and wish — every single day — to have been born in that generation.
7. Ace Visconti
If there’s one thing as true as the day is long, it’s that Ace mains don’t care — and not in a bad way. They’re the jokesters of the bunch, purely loading up Dead by Daylight just to see how much fun they can have. Ace mains are some of the most laid-back, carefree individuals you’ll ever meet. They take each day as it comes, riding life’s rollercoaster without fear. Usually spotted in the wild wearing leopard-print shirts and pink trousers, an Ace main is guaranteed to be a goofball that doesn’t care about winning or losing. They’re the embodiment of the “participation trophy.” For them, the concept of “winning” is entirely subjective. If they escape, that’s a win. If they annoy the Killer so much that they disconnect, also a win.
8. William “Bill” Overbeck
If some other Survivors are reliable in a pinch, then Bill is the undisputed poster child for last-minute saves. If all four Survivors are downed and hope is lost, expect the Bill main to run Unbreakable and quite literally save the day. Bill Overbeck is another legacy character, so that’s one of several reasons why he might attract a following. However, Bill mains are literal superheroes. They’re often the glue that holds the team together, and they’ll have your back every single time. Bill mains are selfless, gladly putting themselves in harm’s way for the benefit and safety of others. If there’s a Bill main on your team, you’ll find peace in knowing that you won’t ever be Left 4 Dead. We must protect Bill mains at all costs.
9. Feng Min
We’re willing to bet that Feng Min mains are anime fans. If they’re not Japanese themselves, they’re obsessed with Japanese culture, be it the food, the anime, the lifestyle. They’re planning a long and prosperous life overseas as we speak. There’s also a strong chance that Feng mains are obsessed with cosmetics, milking Feng Min’s excessive wardrobe selections for everything they’re worth. Perhaps we’re way off the mark with this one and Feng mains just want to play as the stereotypical gamer girl, which we can’t really blame them for. It doesn’t really matter if a Feng Min is good at the game or not; their skill level is irrelevant. If you come across a Feng Min in the fog, you can bet they’re a Fortnite fan as well, already accustomed to selling their soul for endless cosmetics.
10. David King
We’re not generalizing here, but since David King has been confirmed as Dead by Daylight‘s first-ever openly LGBTQ+ character, we’ll take a shot in the dark and bet that a lot of David mains are members of that community. You’re either attracted to him or you want to be him. David’s perks can turn the tide of any game, especially in the moments where it counts. But we’ll go out on a limb to say that if you’re a David main, you must have some degree of skill. There are a lot of handicaps involved with David’s perks, so you have to be good at the game and know how to use him effectively. If Ace is the jokester, David is the opposite. He’s the prime pick for players who want to take the game more seriously. His shirtless cosmetic doesn’t hurt, either.
Well, did we get it right? Stay tuned for more Survivors to be added to the list.
Published: Apr 5, 2023 2:26 PM UTC