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The Wii U Says Goodbye To Friend Codes

In what can be the smartest move Nintendo has made this E3, the company has decided to do away with friend codes for the Wii U. Hallelujah! Instead of friend codes gamers will have a single identity online, kind of like a gamertag. This will make building a friends list and communicating online much easier.

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In what can be the smartest move Nintendo has made this E3, the company has decided to do away with friend codes for the Wii U. Hallelujah! Instead of friend codes gamers will have a single identity online, kind of like a gamertag. This will make building a friends list and communicating online much easier.

Now while this news isn’t coming from Nintendo (Ubisoft is actually the company that revealed it), if it is indeed true, and why wouldn’t it be, this is a very smart move. The friend codes were one of the worst things about the Wii and if they carried them over to the Wii U, once again the console would lag behind the XBOX 360 and PS3 in terms of online gaming. Hopefully with the friend code gone, the Wii U will be seen as a legitimate platform for online gaming.

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