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10 Moments From X-Men: Apocalypse That Are Actually Amazing

You can’t have failed to notice that reviews for the latest installment in the X-Men franchise, X-Men: Apocalypse, have been incredibly polarized. Unlike the previous three entries in the series (including Deadpool), this film is not receiving universal praise. Instead, it's coming under criticism for emphasizing a bigger scale at the expense of such trifling matters as characterization and plot development.

8) Sweet Dreams

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Remember the scene in Days of Future Past where Quicksilver frees Magneto from the Pentagon in slow motion? Of course you do, it’s the outright best sequence in the film. For Apocalypse, they had a tough job on their hands try to top it, but they just might have succeeded.

When Apocalypse’s gang destroys the X-Mansion, Quicksilver gets up to his old tricks again and saves all the students in a flash – as well as finding time to have a drink and indulge in some moonwalking. Just like he listened to “Time in a Bottle” in Future Past, this scene plays over Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams” to mark the switch to an 80s setting.


7) “We Had A Little Help”

As you’ll know if you’ve seen the last spoilerific trailer for the film, Wolverine makes his obligatory appearance in Apocalypse when the X-kids rescue him from Alkali Lake. It can’t be argued that this scene really adds anything to the overall film, but it’s always great to see Wolverine.

It also allows us to glimpse him in full Weapon X mode, which we haven’t really seen before, as he lays waste to the entirety of the military base. Plus, there’s a nice moment where Jean calms him down, foreshadowing their future love affair.

This doesn’t make a lick of sense considering the twist ending of Days of Future Past, but you can’t really blame them for finding a place of Hugh Jackman here. It’s sort of the law that he has to appear in every X-Men movie.

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