4) The Question
The animated Batman series from the 1990’s was a gift from the gods, modernizing the Dark Knight while introducing memorable characters such as Harley Quinn and Renee Montoya, whose popularity eventually led to them appearing in the comics as well. Unlike Quinn, Montoya quickly became a steadfast ally of Batman’s as a detective on the Gotham City Police Force.
Later, it was revealed that Montoya is gay, a fact that led to her being ostracized by both her family and colleagues. After struggling with her fractured relationships, Montoya eventually left the police force and befriended the crime-fighting vigilante known as the Question, adopting his identity after his death.
The Question’s striking visage and unorthodox crime-fighting tactics would fit well with DC’s dark vision for their cinematic universe. While it remains unlikely that the Question would ever receive her own solo venture on the big screen, Montoya’s established friendship with Batman could lead to a supporting role in a future film, further differentiating Affleck’s franchise from what came before.