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10 Reasons Why We Should Temper Our Excitement For Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The sheer volume of fan talk and the amount of press coverage dedicated to Star Wars: The Force Awakens might have you thinking that J.J. Abrams' two-hour takeover of the Star Wars franchise is going to be the greatest film of all-time. And yet none of us have even seen the movie to know whether the hype is justified.

1) Nothing Could Truly Live Up To These Expectations

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So, we come back to expectations and hype. Episode VII is one of the most anticipated movies ever, and is set to break box office records. Everyone’s talking about it, having been pumped up by a year of advertising, and the talent involved has a lot of people just assuming it’ll be something special sight unseen. And of course hype on this scale can’t really ever be matched by the product itself.

It’s an inevitability that our expectations of Star Wars: The Force Awakens probably won’t be met, not after all these weeks and months of tantalizing promotion.

Star Wars is a cultural phenomenon like no other – even if The Force Awakens easily outdoes the prequels, it’s going to take a lot to please all the fans that have been waiting years for a new Star Wars movie to come out. The best thing to do now might be to go in fresh, and pretend George Lucas’ six sci-fi epics never happened.

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