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The 10 Best Scenes From Quentin Tarantino Movies

Quentin Tarantino has made some of the best movies of the last twenty years: movies dense with pop cultural nods, obsure movie references, memorable quotes, dynamite characters and innovative sequences that stick in your memory long after you've left the theatre, the man definitely knows how to give audiences a good time.

10) Elle & I – Kill Bill, Vol. 2 (2004)

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After dispatching two former members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squid, Beatrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman) makes her way across the desert towards Budd’s (Michael Madsen) trailer where she hopes to take him down once and for all. But Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah), who believes The Bride is dead, has murdered Budd herself using a sneakily-placed Black Mamba hidden in a suitcase full of money. When the Bride arrives, the two go at it in a pulsating sequence that finds the former assassins using whatever they can get their hands on to batter each other mercilessly.

Eventually the fight culminates in a sword duel that leaves Elle Driver completely blind and clambering around the trailer with a Black Mamba on the loose. This is a truly brilliant fight sequence: innovative, quirky and even funny, it ranks up there as one of Tarantino’s best scenes ever. The choreography is excellent, and Uma Thurman and Daryl Hannah seem to pull it off effortlessly. Can you name another film in which somebody wields a TV antenna as a weapon? Thought not.

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