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10 Things In Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice That Don’t Make Any Sense

1) Why Do Batman And Superman Fight In The First Place?

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Batman v Superman

You’d have thought that the brains behind the film would have nailed this quite fundamental question, considering it’s the basis for both plot and title. And sure, Zack Snyder and his writers make a good go of explaining why Batman comes to fight Superman late in the movie. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t really add up. Batman hates Superman because he doesn’t trust him, Superman confronts Batman so he can save his mother, but…why?


We know Bruce Wayne is a smart guy, so that he’d believe Superman is dangerous solely based on some dubious media reporting doesn’t ring true. Neither does the fact that he’d want to straight-up kill Superman based on said dodgy reporting. Superman, on the other hand, doesn’t need to face Batman at all, as we’ve already established, but why exactly did he confront Batman to ask him for assistance in the first place? He has no idea that the person under that cowl has the technology to locate Martha Kent.

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