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7 Reasons Why Warcraft: The Beginning Will Actually Be The End Of The Franchise

5) Warcraft Fans Are Likely Going To Respond Badly

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Fans, god love em, can be a persistent bunch. So persistent, in fact, that their loyal, vocal support can resurrect TV shows (think Family Guy and Futurama), at long last put favorite characters on-screen (Deadpool) and even bring franchises back from the grave. It was fans who helped get 2013’s Riddick made and who showed enough support to help get a sequel to box office flop Anchorman out of the gate. It’s also fans who might just get a Dredd follow-up made.

World of Warcraft, as everyone knows, has a wide and ardent fanbase. It’s these people who Universal are probably counting on for some core support. With Warcraft‘s bad buzz and its poor box office chances though, the WoWers could save the day and demand a sequel, even when everyone else has turned their back. The only problem with this is that that audience is likely going to be disappointed, too. If even that important fanbase, the intended audience, is against Warcraft, the movie’s sequel prospects become yet even more grim.

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