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6 Ways That Venom Could Connect To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Fans have been paying attention with a mix of excitement and apprehension as Sony have been releasing more and more details about their upcoming Spider-Man cinematic universe that, er, won't include Spider-Man. As a weird quirk of Sony's deal with Marvel Studios, Tom Holland is playing Peter Parker in the MCU while the likes of Venom and Silver and Black will take place in their own world.

1) Spidey’s Black Suit In Avengers: Infinity War

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Look, due to the complicated issues arising from Marvel and Sony’s deal to share Spider-Man but not all his supporting characters, we aren’t going to have the perfect Spider-Man vs. Venom story we’d love to see. Building on what we were saying a moment ago, though, there are ways for the MCU movies to set up the Sony universe and bring the separate series closer together. Perhaps our favourite way that this could be done is if Spidey’s black suit was introduced in Avengers: Infinity War. 

Before we go any further, it’s time for a quick history lesson. In the comics, Peter Parker first wears the costume that would later be revealed to be the symbiote in 1984’s Secret Wars. In that crossover event, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are transported to the distant planet of Battleworld by the Beyonder. While we don’t expect these elements to find their way into Infinity War, the movie’s storyline will similarly involve the Avengers and friends heading off into space. Whilst out there in the cosmos, Spidey could easily come into contact with the symbiote and don the black suit.

As in the original Secret Wars, Infinity War wouldn’t fully delve into the familiar story of the symbiote bringing out Peter’s darker, violent side but just introduce the idea of the symbiote suit. By the next time we see the suit in Venom, it would have left Peter and gone on to bond with Brock. Our idea of a flashback featuring Tom Holland could even come into play here to fill the gap.

Sure, this method wouldn’t give us the full arc of Venom’s origins but honestly, even non-comic book readers are familiar with it from Spider-Man 3, so it’s not truly a necessity. And anything to distance Sony’s new version of Venom from Topher Grace’s version in that movie is a good thing. Introducing the black suit in Infinity War would be a brilliant way to tie the two universes together as it would not only would fit in with the movie’s story, but would also call back to the comics to boot.

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