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7 Intriguing Theories About Rey’s Identity In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Before Star Wars: The Force Awakens released, fans were full of questions: Where is Luke? Who is Kylo Ren? Why is that Stormtrooper a good guy? Thankfully, after seeing the movie we now know the answer to all those questions - but a bunch of others have taken their place. Is Ren now irredeemable? What is the true identity of Supreme Leader Snoke? And, the question we'll be focusing on today: just who is Rey?

3) She Is The Child Of Supreme Leader Snoke

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Some have theoriszd that the mystery of Rey’s identity is made from the same logic as the twist that the saga’s new major villain, Kylo Ren, is the son of the galaxy’s great heroes, Han and Leia. Given that, wouldn’t it make sense for the new saviour on the scene to be the sprog of the latest Emperor of all that is evil? Don’t answer that.

Evidence to suggest this theory is obviously on the slim side as the reasoning behind it basically boils down to “we’d never see it coming!” For instance, these theorists think that the mystery is all building up to a near perfect recreation of the famed “I am your father” line – the villain once again saying it to the hero. You have to admit it would be as big a shock as it was in The Empire Strikes Back.

It is also thought by the theory’s subscribers that this would explain Snoke’s obsession with stopping Luke – he believes that the Jedi would harm his daughter. To him, Luke is the bad guy.

Boy, whoever came up with this theory must have been totally… snoked.

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