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8 Burning Questions We Have After Watching Wonder Woman

In Wonder Woman, the DCEU finally has a movie that's universally adored as well as one that's raking in a massive amount of cash. One of the big strengths of the film is that it cuts out nearly all of the connections to the wider universe that often left us scratching our heads in the likes of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. By focusing on simply and effectively telling Diana of Themyscira's origins, it was able to be a much more satisfying film that told a complete story.

8) So Diana Works At The Louvre?

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Wonder Woman features a wraparound narrative which sees Diana narrating from the modern day. The beginning of the movie has her at the Louvre Museum in Paris, where her old pal Bruce Wayne sends her the original copy of the photograph of her, Steve Trevor and her friends from World War I. It’s this that starts her remembering the past…

As this all takes place in Diana’s office at the Louvre, it heavily suggests she works there. This is an intriguing reveal which gives us a hint at what Diana does with her time when she’s not superhero’ing. There’s a comic book precedent for this, as well. For a period in the 1990s, Diana took a job as the curator of the Gateway City Museum of Antiquities.

Just how long Diana has been working at the Louvre we don’t know. Has she been there ever since the end of the war, passing herself off as her own descendants? Or has she moved through different careers over the past century?

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