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8 Characters That Matt Smith Could Play In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Matt Smith recently made headlines when he stated his interest in having a role in a Marvel movie. Of course, this sent shockwaves across the Internet, resulting in everyone and their mother putting in their own two cents about whom the former 11th Doctor should play. It was only a matter of time, too. Playing the Doctor gets you a large amount of nerd cred and Marvel hasn’t been shy about courting former Doctors for their projects. The 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, played the villain in Thor: The Dark World (who was unfortunately so unmemorable that it’s not worth mentioning his name), and the 10th Doctor, David Tennant, played Kilgrave in the first season of Jessica Jones and cemented himself into one of the club of the MCU's best baddies.


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Starting off the list is a character that initially seems like an odd choice.

Bullseye is a serious and deadly villain and Matt Smith is generally seen as a goofy man-child, but any member of the 11th Doctor fan club will tell you there’s a serious darkness lurking behind his eyes. That’s why Smith should be considered for Daredevil villain Bullseye. There’s been no confirmation that the character will show up anytime soon, but given that he’s one of the hero’s most famous baddies, it would be wise to bet that Bullseye is coming eventually.

Whoever plays the villain, who’s known for being an assassin that never misses anything, has to be able to channel terrifying and charismatic all at once if he wants to come close to matching the greatness of other Netflix villains like Kingpin and Kilgrave. After all, Bullseye can easily become a one-note antagonist if not played by an actor who can bring the character to life over the course of an entire season of television.

In Terminator: Genisys, viewers only got to see a glimpse of Evil Matt Smith, so we think it’s about time Marvel unleashed his dark side.

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