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9 Reasons Why Logan Is The Greatest X-Men Movie

Hugh Jackman's days of gelling his hair up into two wolf-ear points are over, as his final movie as Wolverine has now arrived. As it turns out, Logan is one heck of a way to go, receiving critical acclaim and smashing its way through the box office. Deservedly so, too, as it's arguably one of the finest superhero films of the decade.

8) A Strong Handle On Its Tone

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The X-Men franchise has veered wildly in tone over the years, going from a semi-serious, real-world take on the superhero genre to all-out comic book action to overt comedy – and that’s all in X-Men: The Last Stand alone. We’ve become used to most of the movies being mixed bags of styles and approaches, then, but thankfully Logan manages to blend these different approaches together to form one consistent tone.

So, how would you define Logan‘s tone exactly? Well, it’s mature and dark, that’s for sure, but it’s also quietly hopeful with small moments of humour, too. Not to mention many bittersweet moments of emotion. I suppose we wouldn’t want every X-Men movie to be as heavy-going as this, but the rest of the franchise could definitely learn a thing or two about how to handle its wavering tone from Logan. 

Come to think of it, the other superhero franchises out there should take note of the film’s expertly-handled tone, too. Arguably, no movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or DC Extended Universe so far has managed to balance the light and the dark so well.

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