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8 Spider-Man Movies Sony Should Be Making Instead Of Venom

When Marvel and Sony came together to introduce Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (as seen in the latest Captain America: Civil War trailer), it was assumed that Sony’s previous plans to make multiple Spider-Man spinoff movies had been nixed. However, the studio has now made the shocking announcement that they will be pressing ahead with a Venom solo movie, and that it will be separate from both the now defunct The Amazing Spider-Man franchise and the MCU.

6) Silk

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Another female Spider-Man related character who deserves their own film is Silk. A pretty recent addition to Spider-Man lore in the comics, Cindy Moon was bitten by the same spider that bit Peter. However, she was then locked up in a bunker for years and experimented on – until she finally got out and became a hero in her own right.

While Silk is tied to Spidey in the comics, it would be very easy to remove Peter from the equation and just have her mirror the familiar bitten-by-spider origin story. The element of her being incarcerated for years would also be a really interesting addition to explore, as would her search for her family when she gets out. That certainly sounds like enough dramatic mileage for a standalone movie to us.

Before the Marvel deal, Sony were apparently looking to make some female-led Spider-verse movies. If they still are, Silk would be a great, often overlooked, character to tackle instead of Venom.

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