Tom Hiddleston
I know, I know. This brings us to that classic problem of “how can someone who played a major villain in a Marvel movie also play a major villain in a DC movie?” I understand that problem, but I also know that Tom Hiddleston’s turn as Loki was one of the best comic book villains ever put on screen. If you ever see him out and about doing press, he actually seems like the nicest, most charismatic man in the world, which is why I think he would work as The Joker.
You know what no one has ever brought to the Joker on-screen? A sense of debonair. A dangerous smile that some may actually find alluring. Think Dracula. Women know he is evil, but are are drawn to him regardless. Imagine a Joker like that? It could also be the perfect reason to potentially introduce a Harley Quinn to the movie world (as you can understand why a woman would be fawning over Hiddleston).
I also see how some people would not get over the Loki thing, but think about it. J.J. Abrams rebooted Star Trek and now Star Wars, and people are getting over it just fine. I genuinely believe Tom Hiddelston would bring something wonderfully unique and engaging to this sick bastard, and he would have a ton of fun doing it, too.
All that being said, as good as the aforementioned actors would be in the role, it’s highly unlikely that any of them would be able to surpass what Heath Ledger did with the character. His work in The Dark Knight was pure brilliance, and before we finish off this article, I’d like to pay tribute to him with the following clip: