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Is Armie Hammer Involved In The Batman?

File this one strictly under speculation for now, but some intriguing developments have occurred today in the world of DC. If you recall, last week we saw that several Twitter accounts linked to individuals involved with the company and their films followed Monty Python member John Cleese. It may not mean much, but fans immediately jumped to the conclusion that the actor was somehow involved in Justice League.

File this one strictly under speculation for now, but some intriguing developments have occurred today in the world of DC. If you recall, last week we saw that several Twitter accounts linked to individuals involved with the company and their films followed Monty Python member John Cleese. It may not mean much, but fans immediately jumped to the conclusion that the actor has a part in Justice League.

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It wasn’t for no reason, either. After all, we learnt of both Rick Famuyiwa and Joe Manganiello’s involvement with the DCEU thanks to the same sort of thing (prominent DC Twitter accounts following them shortly before the news was made official). Just because Twitter follows have led to casting announcements leaking out early in the past doesn’t mean it’s always a sure thing, but this one is particularly interesting.

While it’s definitely a bit of a stretch to say that John Cleese is involved in the DC Extended Universe, it really wouldn’t be all that difficult to believe that Armie Hammer is. Fans will know that the actor flirted with superheroes and comic books in the past, as he was set to star as Batman in Justice League: Mortal back in 2009. Obviously, that film got cancelled but now, it looks like Hammer may get another chance to suit up.

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Both Geoff Johns, who’s the CCO of DC Comics and co-head of DC Films, and Joe Manganiello, who’s playing Deathstroke in The Batman, have followed Hammer on Twitter today. Again, don’t take this as confirmation of anything, but going off what’s happened in the past, the actor could very well be eyeing a role in an upcoming DC film. And with Justice League all but wrapped up, it’s very likely that he’s looking to play a part in Ben Affleck’s solo Caped Crusader flick.

Then again, he may have a cameo in Snyder’s upcoming tentpole, perhaps as Green Lantern (who’s rumored to have a small part). If we had to bet though, we’d say it’s in Big Ben’s film where we’ll first see him. Of course, that’s assuming he’s even in the DC Extended Universe. This is purely speculation for now and will remain as such until we’ve got something official.

If this does turn out to be true though, we’ll certainly be happy about it. Armie Hammer is a talented individual and hasn’t exactly had a great career in Hollywood thus far, despite some solid attempts to breakout. Sure, The Social Network brought him a lot of praise and success, but ever since then he’s kind of disappeared from the spotlight, starring in several films that should of launched him onto the A-list but instead turned out to be quite disappointing (The Lone RangerThe Man From U.N.C.L.E.).

That being said, recently we’ve seen him in both Free Fire and Nocturnal Animals, two movies that have received a very strong reception thus far. So who knows, maybe things are about to turn around for him. Either way, landing a role in The Batman would be a huge win for the actor and we’re holding out hope that it ends up happening.

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