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Avengers: Endgame Directors Reveal The Most Ridiculous Fan Theory They’ve Heard

Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo have declared the Thanus fan theory to be the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard.

Avengers Endgame Thor

Joe and Anthony Russo, directors of Avengers: Endgame, have a couple things they want to say about their fans. They love them, but they can be absolutely ridiculous.

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With less than a week to go until we reach the end of a superhero era, the brothers have officially declared that one of the most popular fan theories ever conceived is also one of the silliest. They recently sat down for a spoiler-free press conference in Los Angeles, and it was here that they confirmed something that pretty much everyone should’ve known: they think the Thanus fan theory is absolutely bonkers and the most ridiculous theory they’ve heard yet.

If you just got back from a year-long sabbatical in Tibet, or your head’s been up your….well you know, here’s the low-down. It’s the theory where Ant-Man shrinks down small enough to fit in Thanos’ rear end, crawls up in there and turns into Giant-Man, causing the Mad Titan to explode. Think of the after effects of having really bad Taco Bell, but just a tiny bit worse.

Anyways, the directors once more confirmed their love for their devoted, if not a little crazy, fans. After declaring the theory out of this world, Joe went on to say: “But it’s a highly inventive one. I want to know who came up with it.” So, if anyone reading this can claim to be the creator, speak now or forever hold your peace!

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters next week, on April 26th, and we’ll finally get to see just how the remaining heroes stop Thanos. If you’re going to dream up any more Titan-breaking, director’s mind-blowing theories, though, there are only a few more days to do so. So be sure to get cracking and share them with us in the comments section down below.

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