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Zoe Saldana Opens Up About That Gamora Scene In Avengers: Infinity War

In a recent interview with the LA Times, Zoe Saldana opened up about that shocking Gamora scene in Avengers: Infinity War.

We’re just going to come out and say it as by this point, you’ve probably seen the film – Gamora dies in Avengers: Infinity War. At the hand of her own adoptive pops, no less, as Thanos is forced to sacrifice his daughter in order to claim the Soul Stone. It’s a major moment in the film that shifts the tone of the piece towards darkness and tragedy and felt like a real kick in the guts to fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy character.

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While talking to the LA Times, Zoe Saldana chatted openly about the twist for the first time since Infinity War released and revealed that she’d been told about her death scene “very early on.” Naturally, she was a little bummed to be potentially booted out of the franchise, but respected that Gamora’s demise had a very powerful place in the storyline of the film.

“I learned very early on. The producers called me and they told me. And of course there’s a shock to your system. I’m so grateful, this run has been amazing, but you’re so not even ready for that. But then once some of the things were discussed, I understood that it just makes sense. In order for you to understand the degree of evil that lies within the core of Thanos, you have to circle in on his own children. So I completely understood. I loved being a part of this unforgettable journey.”

Interestingly, Saldana seems to be speaking like she really has said goodbye to the character of Gamora, which would be a bit of a surprise. Sure, Thanos’ favourite daughter is certainly dead right now, but we strongly suspect that many of the heroes that perished during Infinity War will be brought back to life in Avengers 4. Plus, a way for Gamora to come back may have already been teased.

On the other hand, maybe reversing Gamora’s death would undercut “the degree of evil” that Thanos operates on and would reduce the impact of his actions in Avengers: Infinity War somewhat. We’d been led to believe that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 would feature Saldana, but maybe it won’t. Alternatively, it’s possible that the actress is just very good at watching what she says in interviews. Either way, it’s going to be a long wait before we find out for sure.

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