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Benedict Cumberbatch Broke A Big Marvel Rule On The Avengers: Infinity War Set

In today's digital age, it's undeniably harder to keep spoilers under wraps than ever before. Years ago, we had to wait for which of our favorite magazines had the latest exclusive to hit stands, but now, anyone with a cell phone has the potential to leak the juiciest of information onto the internet. Thus, it's very much understandable that the folks at Marvel Studios keep their cards as close to their vest as humanly possible when it comes to anything regarding Avengers: Infinity War.

In today’s digital age, it’s undeniably harder to keep spoilers under wraps than ever before. Years ago, we had to wait for which of our favorite magazines had the latest exclusive to hit stands, but now, anyone with a cell phone has the potential to leak the juiciest of information onto the internet. Thus, it’s very much understandable that the folks at Marvel Studios keep their cards as close to their vest as humanly possible when it comes to anything regarding Avengers: Infinity War.

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And while none of us outside the blockbuster movie’s production have laid eyes on the script, you’d think that those starring in it know the score, right? Well, apparently not. As you’ve no doubt heard by now, many of the film’s lead actors either refused to read the entire screenplay or simply weren’t allowed to. That’s not too surprising, either, as Marvel often keeps complete scripts from their casts in order to prevent spoilers, usually only giving the actors certain sections.

When it came to Avengers: Infinity War, though, one star managed to get his hands on the full thing, and that’d be Benedict Cumberbatch. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in a recent interview, he revealed that though he wasn’t supposed to read the script, he has.

“I’m not supposed to have read the script. But I have. It’s just mind-blowingly epic. What I thought is, this just doesn’t stop. Once it starts, it does. Not. Stop. It’s just this horrible, brilliant, terrifying, at times funny, at times very moving, relentless action. It’s like everyone’s constantly in crisis, and catching up with themselves, and it’s really breathless to read a script like that. This isn’t a slow burn. You’re really thrown in helter-skelter. [Laughs] It’s got a lot of facets to it, but I think the main one for me was just how utterly relentless the events and action were.”

The actor then went onto explain how exactly he got the chance to lay eyes on the entire thing, saying that he needed to have some kind of overview to understand his role in the film.

“Well, it’s not Marvel’s practice to hand around the whole script of any particular one of their enterprises, especially a film as big as this, and as secret as this. I kind of had to have a bit of an overview to understand what I was doing in it.

Maybe I’m just a bit more stupid than the other actors involved. I just need a little bit of special care. And they were very sweet, and chained me to something immovable whilst I read it, and unchained me after I finished reading it.”

So, it seems like Mr. Cumberbatch knows all the secrets then. Just don’t expect him to go ahead and spill any. When EW tried to press him for more details, he remained tight-lipped. And really, that’s alright.

With just over a month to go now before Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters, we’re happy remaining in the dark as to all its twists and turns. After all, it’d be nice to have at least a few surprises waiting for us when the lights go down on April 27th, wouldn’t it?

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