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Big Justice League News Coming On Tuesday

DC fans might want to mark Tuesday morning on their calendars, as Warner Bros. is set to unveil some big Justice League news. What exactly they're going to be revealing is being kept under wraps, but several journalists who attended a recent set visit have confirmed that something big is coming.


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DC fans might want to mark Tuesday morning on their calendars, as Warner Bros. is set to unveil some big Justice League news. What exactly they’re going to be revealing is being kept under wraps, but several journalists who attended a recent set visit have confirmed that something huge is coming.

While we’d usually assume the reveal to be a trailer, it still seems a bit too early for that. The studio is currently placing their focus squarely on Suicide Squad and to a lesser extent, Wonder WomanJustice League isn’t set to arrive until November 2017, which is well over a year away, so to get any kind of footage at this stage would be pretty shocking.


Speculation around the web points to the news being the first photo of the team all assembled. The one you see above is just concept art and most people think that we’ll be getting a real shot of all the actors in costume and together (including Henry Cavill). That definitely seems possible, and would certainly get fans excited, but at this stage nothing can be confirmed.

We’re just hoping that whatever Warner Bros. decides to release, it’s not something underwhelming. Right now they really need to generate all the excitement they can, especially after the mixed response to Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and all the negative reports coming out of the Justice League set.

Whatever it is that the studio’s got up their sleeve, we’ll find out soon enough, as Tuesday isn’t too far off now.

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