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Chris Hemsworth Wants In On The Avengers And X-Men Crossover

Avengers: Infinity War, Justice League and Marvel's Civil War – three mind-bogglingly huge movie crossovers that represent years of groundwork and intricate plotting. But they all pale in comparison to Avengers Vs. X-Men.

Avengers: Infinity WarJustice League and Marvel’s Civil War – three mind-bogglingly huge movie crossovers that represent years of groundwork and intricate plotting. But they all pale in comparison to Avengers Vs. X-Men.

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Originally dreamed up by Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker and Jonathan Hickman in 2012, the comic brought together a whole host of famous faces – namely Captain America, Cyclops, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Man, Magneto, Spider-Man and Storm – for what turned out to be a crossover event like no other. And thanks to Disney’s newly-unveiled takeover of 20th Century Fox, a film version of Avengers Vs. X-Men may soon become a reality.

That’s all well and good, but the one question on every fan’s mind is who exactly will be involved in the sure to be epic event? With the contracts of Marvel stalwarts like Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and more nearing their end, many of our favorites might not be around to cross paths with the mutants. But if there’s one Avenger who we can probably count on to show up, it’s Chris Hemsworth’s Thor.

Granted, his contract is also finished now, but in a recent interview with Cinema Blend, he expressed interest in meeting up with the X-Men. When asked for his thoughts on a potential crossover, the actor said:

“Oh, [it’s] awesome. And I hope they get to do it because contractually a lot of us have now kind of done our run. But to interact… and I’ve said that a while ago about, ‘Imagine interacting with Wolverine or all the different characters from X-Men’… [Deadpool and Thor] would be pretty cool. The most exciting thing about Avengers was just being on set as Thor with the Guardians, or… I was as much a fan to see that kick off as anyone else.”

So, he’s clearly excited about the possibility, but again, we can’t ignore the fact that his contract with Marvel is now complete and as far as we know, he’s not set to make any further films for them. Then again, just this week he revealed that he’d love to keep playing Thor past Avengers 4, and given the immense popularity of the character, especially after Ragnarok, we can easily see the House of Ideas keeping him around for a while longer.

“If I had the opportunity to do it again, I think I’d love to,” said Hemsworth. “I also think there’s an appetite for it now, or there’s a far greater range of possibilities of where he can go now, what he can do, just because we’ve kind of broken the mold a bit.”

Will Chris Hemsworth get his way and continue to bring to life the beloved hero in Phase 4? Time will tell, but we certainly hope so. After all, who else could play a superhero with as much hunky charisma as him? Not to mention that we’re sure everyone’s just dying to see that Thor and Deadpool team up happen, right?

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